Sunday, 14 September 2014

Good Things Come To Those Who Ride

On a typical morning, I'd get up at my own pace. Unless I had something booked and paid for, I used to plod. I hate rushing in general but found that the further into my travels I got, the more laid back I became.

This particular morning I did have a sense of urgency. I was meeting Nathan to go out for a ride with him on his motorcycle. I still felt bad about messing him around when I first stayed at his place. I was incredibly ditzy and got lost on the bus system. I didn't want to make the same mistake again.

Speaking of ditzy, my first hurdle of getting ready proved a bit trickier than I anticipated. I wanted to have a shower before heading out. The toilet was in a separate room and the shower stood in a door-less cubicle in the kitchen. So I'm supposed to shower with everything on view whilst my hosts cook morning-brain could not fathom this. The logical thing to do was ask, but I didn't want to offend nor did I want to be laughed at.

Hoping that my brain would catch up, I gathered my things and made my way to the shower. I didn't have to announce this as I only had two directions to go in the flat - outside, or the kitchen. Tom glanced at my towel and clocked on to where I was heading. Thankfully he wasn't the kind of person to sit back and watch me struggle and explained that the door to the kitchen is also the door to the shower. I nodded, still confused.

This is like the three seashells in Demolition Man. Has everyone else used a kitchen shower but me? By fluke, I figured out the puzzle. I pulled the door towards me once I was in the shower and it snapped shut through a magnetic element in the side. I was still fully clothed so it wasn't a complete win. After a bit of hokey cokey, I had a successful shower.

With one victory under my belt before breakfast, I felt confident that I'd find my way to Nathan's place without inadvertently taking the scenic route. Don't worry, you're not the only one who must have scoffed at this thought as I ended up arriving slightly early and Nathan was still in the shower! Nobody has faith in me these days ey!?

Once Nathan was ready we headed out for breakfast. Yet another tasty bagel with the addition of an indulgent caramel latte. Fuelled and raring to go, it was time to tick off a bucket list experience. Riding on the back of a motorcycle was not something I'd ever imagined doing in my life. But staying with someone who happens own one, well I'd be an idiot not to ask for a ride!

Suited up and helmet in tow, I was ready for my next adventure. Getting onto the bike was a bit awkward and certainly wasn't graceful. I plonked my weight on a little too haphazardly and Nathan almost dropped the bike. I never have been very light on my feet!

Motorcycle passenger etiquette wasn't something I was well versed in. I had the choice of gripping the edges of the seat behind me, or linking my arms around Nathan's waist. My balance is terrible and I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable reaching behind me so I opted for the latter. In fact, it was more of a bear hug with the thought that if I'm falling off this thing, you're coming with me!

Unexpectedly, the ride was smooth and I had no butterflies nor did I feel like I was about to projectile vomit my breakfast from nerves/fear. I felt amazing! We zoomed through the hilly districts of San Fran up to and across the Golden Gate Bridge. I couldn't believe my luck. I'd walked and cycled over the bridge but meandering through traffic was a totally different and exhilarating experience.

Next up was Muir Woods, a towering redwood forest. It was great to escape from the city-chaos and take in this natural wonder. Nathan and I walked the main trail along with a moderate stream of tourists. This was probably the longest concentrated period of time that I'd spent with Nathan. We had a good chat about life, travel and relationships. It was nice to speak to someone who's had a lot of life experience.

Watching the sunlight peer through the trees was a beautiful sight

Me and a big-ass redwood tree

The trail wasn't too packed which made for a nice photo

From Muir Woods, we moved on to Muir Beach. Although it was a nice place to visit, we didn't hang around for too long. Firstly, we had our cycle gear on and nothing vaguely beach-related with us but mainly because we were hank marvin'! We turned up, took a couple of photos, walked along the beach for a bit and took off.

Food is always a priority in my eyes and I've seen dozens of beaches on my travels so it wasn't anything new to me.

Nathan discovered a sweet Irish pub that served proper pub-grub. I ordered a dish which was served with wedges. That must be something hot and potato based. It's silly I know but I keep forgetting that chips are crisps. I know of course that fries are chips and now I discovered that wedges in America are what I'd call homemade chips in England - thick chips with skin on. The food was delicious and was washed down with a crisp cider.

At this point I thought Nathan would be sick of me by now but he showed no signs of tiring. We got back on the bike and zipped about for a bit longer. We found a great spot for some posey photos.

All good things must come to an end. My legs were starting to cramp up so I couldn't hold out for much longer anyway. To end on a high note, Nathan stormed it by hitting over 100kph at certain points. I bloody loved it! All these adrenalin-inducing acts I've completed (sky dive etc) has got me hooked.

My legs had locked and I thought I'd need a winch to get me off the bike. I slumped on Nathan's sofa with no plans to move anytime soon. Soon after, Nathan invited me to a party him and his girlfriend were attending. I text my hosts but disappointingly I was locked out until after 11pm. I couldn't get to my things or have time to even find somewhere to buy something to wear. Sadly I had to pass. Couchsurfing can have its drawbacks and today was an example. Although I was gutted to miss the party, I still had a fantastic day.

I text Tom and met up with him instead. He was out with one of his friends called Dan. It didn't take long for the evening to turn sour. Dan was a complete dick. I'm sorry, I'm not going to sugar-coat it. He judged everything that I uttered and before long I just let them do the talking. Dan is a journalist who works in Thailand. He got his job through a friend or family member (I can't remember which) yet didn't hesitate in telling me what I should be doing and where I should be working. Oh and everything nice that a guy has done for me, including Nathan's help today, is only because I'm a girl. So a guy wouldn't do something nice for another guy?

That was enough cynicism for the evening. Tom and I headed back for my last night at Ryan & Maria's place. I decided to spend my last two nights back at Andy's where I planned to pack in as much as I could before departing for Chicago.