Saturday, 1 January 2011

Once Upon A Time...

The Dream

Do you remember the lesson you had in primary school where the teacher asked you what you wanted to do when you grew up? At that age answers included princess, fireman, astronaut etc etc. It’s just one of the occasions in life where random dreams tumbled from the mind but, to many, will never be achieved. To me, travelling has always been that preposterous out-of-reach dream I’ve had and never really spoken about. I always placed it in the box of things I’d love to do but will probably never get round to doing. So far the list includes learning to play the drums, snowboarding, learning a new language, going to Glastonbury…and so on…

Now that’s all changed. I’m doing it. I’m actually bloody doing it! While I’m at it, why stick to one country? I’m dreaming big.

The Trip

What started off as a few months in Australia has turned into something a bit more ambitious.

Manchester - Tokyo - Bangkok - overland to Singapore - Melbourne - overland to Brisbane - Auckland - overland to Christchurch - Fiji - LA - New York - London

The Reason

To me, 2010 has been the giant kick up the arse I have been subconsciously craving for for the past 3 years. Since graduating in 2007 I’ve been trapped in a series of ruts. I’d go through a period of extreme motivation and achieve so much, then I’d get comfortable and settle on what I had and didn’t really think about anything else. After a while, something would rattle me, and I'd shift back to the beginning again.

I am bored. I am tremendously bored to the extent that I want to do something completely out of character. For some reason I tend to work better when challenged. Perhaps it’s the competitive spirit within as whenever I’m told I can’t do something, I don’t stop until I can do it.

Now 2009, that was my year. In the space of 2 months I’d passed my driving test, bought a car, started a new job and ran 10 miles in my fastest time yet. The latter meant so much to me as only 8 months prior to the run I was in a pathetic state. I’d just started training after the major lurgy which had swallowed around 7 months of my life. I’ve always been pretty active and reasonably fit and I wanted that back. Challenge set and challenge achieved.

I want 2011/12 to be the new 2009 for me. I can’t wait to break free and create my own experiences and adventures. I’m sick of waiting around for something to happen. Departure date is Saturday 27th August. I’m going…and perhaps I’ll never look back…

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