Friday, 26 August 2011

It's About Time

In one of my earlier posts I wrote about preparation and how it has always been drilled into me that I have to be organised or I’ll only have myself to blame. With this in mind, I have spent the past 8/9 months working two jobs for extra pennies, I’ve been jabbed up (7 in total!), I believe I have read every Lonely Planet book ever published and that’s to name but a few ways that I have organised my ass off. Despite my hard work things have still come crashing down around me. Perhaps a tad dramatic. I’m still going. I have money and, surprisingly, I managed to squeeze the essentials into my backpack. Sacrifices had to be made unfortunately. I’ve probably still over packed as always but I guess I can post stuff home when I get to Thailand.

As I said, things have gone a bit pear-shaped. I mentioned in my last entry that I was experiencing problems with regards to the volunteer placement I booked for Thailand. I’ve actually cancelled that completely now. It was all very dodgy. The organisation I was due to work with kept changing the itinerary and I wasn’t receiving any support from the travel company I booked it through. I’ve submitted a massive complaint which should hopefully mean that I’ll get some juicy discounts off future bookings. I still have a few things left to book which I’ve not been able to yet as it’s too far in advance. It’s annoying that this had to come to a head just as I’m about to leave. Ho hum.

In 24 hours I’ll be in Doha awaiting the next flight out to Narita, Japan. I don’t think it’s truly registered yet as I’m not freaking out and I’m not sad about leaving. I get a little bit breathless thinking about being all alone in a foreign country and having to navigate myself. Will it be hard finding accommodation to stay in? What if everything’s booked up and I have to sleep on a bench? I have no idea what I’m going to do in Thailand now I have a 28 day gap in my itinerary! I have no idea what I’m going to do in New Zealand still. Everything in Oz depends on where and when I get a job. You know when you have so much to drink you stumble home and you’re not quite sure where the light switch is so you end up groping your way around the house in the dark? You then wake up in the morning and have no idea how you got home  but are thankful that you’re in your own bed, safely wrapped up in your duvet. Sound familiar? That’s how I think my year out will be. I’m not going to have a clue what I’m doing. I’m going to travel from country to country completely astounded as to how I have managed to get this far! So I wouldn’t say I’m going to travel the world. I’ll just be on a continued journey in search of the light switch. This could be interesting!

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