Thursday, 20 September 2012

Karma In Cocktail Form

My fragmented sleep from the previous night was pacified by waffles in the morning. Damn good waffles I hasten to add. Breakfast at Coral View was incredible. Coconut syrup is the shizzle (can I pull that off? It’s too late now!). I ate well, very well.

It set me up for a very long and tiresome day. I had to get up and walk ten metres to the nearest sunbed. I was exhausted. I heaved myself up onto the wooden bed and rested for an indeterminable period of time.

Lunch came and went. I met Emma again and I told her how awesome Coral View is. We swapped a couple of island stories and I left her to settle in.

If sunbathing wasn’t enough torture, I booked a traditional Fijian massage. Amy and Amelia went before me so I had some time to kill. After we booked our massages we met Nico who runs the resort. He showed us a video of a shark feeding dive they have recently introduced. It looked like an amazing experience but I think I’d crap myself with all those huge sharks swimming around me. It’s a cage-less dive by the way. You just stand there and cling to a rope attached to the boat whilst these massive intimidating sharks swim around you. Everyone on the video seemed to be enjoying it though!

Nico filmed it on his GoPro camera and we had a little tech-chat as I have the same camera. He bashfully admitted that last night the guys failed to film the culture night as the camera wasn’t switched on. As Nico starred in the performances, he relied on another worker to film it. It was something like the third time he tried it and still he has no footage. Nico is trying to heavily promote the resort and the videos would be perfect for his website.

Although my videos weren’t perfect as they were filmed on my other camera, I offered him my footage. He gratefully accepted. I agreed to come back and hand him the footage but I fell asleep. By the time I made it across he too had gone for a rest. It seems that island life really does take it out of you.

It was time for my massage. I thought one hour was enough of an oily workout. I didn’t want to push my luck.

Satisfyingly relaxed, I smelled like a cross between a bouquet and a coconut. As lovely as that sounds I was too greasy. I showered off and changed for dinner. I don’t know how I found the energy.

In serious need of refuelling, I made my way down to the dining area for dinner. A lovely stir fry greeted me along with those circular doughy treats. I needed something sweet though. Emma agreed with me so we nipped across to the corner shop. It sold all types of wares including some interesting body spray.

Bondage pour homme and pour femme

It was cake we were after and cake that we found, cheesecake to be precise. Our server asked if we’d like ice cream too. I never thought about that, why not, I’m not driving! It was great to finally have a cake buddy.
Emma and I strutted back triumphantly with our cakes as a few people looked at us agog. I’m pretty sure it was more of a surprised reaction that we still had room to eat cake but I’d still like to think there was an edge of jealousy there too.

Normally I can devour the biggest of cake slices but cheesecake is a different story. Sometimes it can be a bit too rich for me and this one defeated me. Emma had to help me out. Is it possible that there is somebody out there who eats more cake than me? Although I’m not sure I’d be able to find someone who has eaten a two foot slab of chocolate cake in a couple of weeks! I am the boss of cake eating.

Whilst chowing down, I spotted Nico and apologised for not coming straight back. He didn’t seem bothered about that at all and was entirely grateful for me giving him my footage. He brought out his laptop and I showed him what I had. It wasn’t the entire show of course, but I guess it was better than nothing. Nico might not even use it but at the very least he could pull some photos from it. With the exchange complete, I returned to my friends and waited to see what tonight’s events were.

Last night was cultural night, tonight was game night. Please not another snake dance, skippedy-skip and pass the pole bollocks. At least we had a choice, cutesy games or drinking games. A few roars emitted for the latter and there we had it, drinking games it was. There was one problem though…I didn’t have a drink and I was running out of cash.

Nico came over and asked if I was joining in but I shrugged and said I have no drink. For helping him out earlier, he said I could have any drink on the house.

Good karma of the fruity cocktail variety

To get us off to a flying start, we played Ring of Fire/King’s Cup. Nico and Mr T (chief entertainment co-ordinator) wrote down all the rules which cut out all the dithering about that usually comes at the beginning of a drinking game.

I wasn’t alone in thinking that these rules were the funniest ever. One rule was box head. Whoever picks up the card relating to box head had to wear a box on their head until the next person picks up that numbered card. Also, box head gets a lot of abuse. You can whack the side of the box and shout harsh things at them. All in good jest though of course!

Another one was called Stephen Hawking which sounded bizarre to begin with but was absolutely hilarious. Whoever draws that card can’t move, talk or drink. The person next to them has to help them out with their drinking.

"Stephen" was so thirsty it took three people to help out!

What made this even better was that another card was named grenade. When a person draws that number, at any time they can shout grenade which means you have to dive under the table as quickly as possible. The last person to do this has to drink. I’m sure you can picture the hassle that that caused trying to get “Stephen” under the table!

Naturally, I lost. It was down to two cards and I already announced to everyone that I would pick the king. It always happens. Perhaps a bit of positive thinking could have changed my fate but never mind. Cue more flashbacks from Thailand!

I have videos of this floating somewhere in cyberland

This was only the beginning. We played random games that I did not understand whatsoever with cards. We had games involving clapping and gestures which was good fun as everyone kept forgetting things. The games got slightly dirtier and the language more colourful.

We moved on to flip-cup. We split into teams. The person at the top tips in some drink into the cup. The game starts and the person downs the drink and turns over the cup so it’s partially balanced over the edge of the table. The aim is to flick the cup over so it spins and lands back upright again. Once this has been achieved you pass the cup down to the next person. The last person in your team (at the end of the table) pours in their drink, downs it and then flicks the cup. It then passes along back up to the team leader. When the person at the top flicks the cup upright again, that group is the winner.

Unfortunately I’d run out of drink. I said to Nico that I had beers in the fridge but I couldn't have them until checkout (alcohol from the outside world is not permitted in the resort). Nico made an exception and I was back on the booze. The King’s Cup had already kicked in though and I was a giggly mess.

Nico and I were the heads of our teams. Naturally we kicked arse. After each win, the victorious team gets to inflict a forfeit upon the losing team. We decided to go easy on them the first time and asked that they play the rest of the games topless. Strangely this didn’t go down too well with the girls even though they were wearing bras/bikinis. Whoops.

Seen as nakedness was out of the question, after the next win we decided that the guys should give the girls a lap dance. Yes I have a video, no I’m not putting it up on here!

We were stumped after our third victory. We weren’t expecting to win this many times. Mr T cheekily suggested getting the others to skinny dip in the sea. They did that to a group on a different night. After the reaction we got when we asked the others to take their tops off, we decided not to annoy everyone and someone came up with the idea of making them pile on top of each other.

 Pile on!

Another win and a weak dare that I can’t even remember! The game wasn’t getting old and we carried on. Uh-oh. The other team won. Shit. They’re going to torture us now. I was expecting something bad but I wasn’t sure what. The cheeky gits gave us the skinny dipping forfeit! I protested and told them that we held back but they were very sore losers so of course they saw no reason. They wanted revenge. So off we went for our little late night naked dip in the sea. I hope there are no videos or photos of this event!

It was nearing 3am and I just remembered that I’m visiting the caves tomorrow. Oh dear. I need some shut-eye. Everyone else looked pretty beat too. We stopped the games and stayed up for a little while longer chatting but decided to call it a night. I think the guys behind the bar were happy that they could go to bed.

Most of the people had left our dorm during the day (including the Canadians) so there was only me, Emma and another guy. We didn’t have to worry about making too much noise or refrain from switching the main light on. My head torch from Fuji-San has come in mighty useful in that regards. Who knew?

All that booze knocked me out and it didn’t take me long to nod off. Of course it did help that there was no hawking (as in the loud pre-spit sound, not "Stephen"!). Part of me was sad to be leaving Fiji the next day but I was unbelievably excited for America. I don’t know why but I just had a feeling that I was going to have a great time there.

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