beep, beep, beeeeep. The dreaded sound of one’s morning alarm is probably the
most hated sound. I usually set mine to snooze or just lie in bed playing the
coming day over in my head in an attempt to muster up some form of enthusiasm.
Dragging my ass out of bed is a cumbersome process but today was different.
Where I was staying snoozing was not an option. As soon as I realised where I
was, I wanted to get up and out of my room. It wasn’t that hellish but it was
by no means a tranquil duvet heaven.
perked me up a bit. Yet more pancakes, my arteries will be pleased. The sugar
rush certainly did the trick. My stuff was organised and ready to lug to my
next destination but I still had most of the morning so I went out for a walk.
surprise that it was a beautifully crisp, clear and sunny morning. I walked
along the beach and pier and indulged myself with a session of people-watching.
Sometimes I like to imagine what people’s stories are, why they are in that
place at that particular time and what their lives are like. It’s a nice escape
from my own inner monologue.
thoughts were interrupted briefly as I breezed past a cheery surfer. I did a
double-take as I thought I saw something strange. Maybe I should start drinking
proper coffee. I took a few more photos and made my way back to the hostel. In
doing so I passed the same surfer guy in the car park…yep, that guy has horns.
A middle-aged surfer dude with horns protruding from his forehead is what stood
before me. We exchanged smiles again, mine a slightly nervier effort. Inside I
screamed – “Don’t flay me”. Then my mind started to wander. If he is meant to
be a demon, what do they normally do with humans? They probably don’t flay
people…or do they? I tried accessing my faint memories of Buffy the Vampire
Slayer and Angel but then the thought of David Boreanaz took me down a separate
thought train…
friend wants to marry you.” I paused and looked to my left. There beside me
were three dishevelled fellows and a straggly girl. One was propping up a sign
with a message of love and a plea for money. How random. A marriage proposal from
a tramp wasn’t what I was expecting to get from my day. I didn’t have my purse
so it was a wasted proposal.
concluded my morning stroll and it was time to head to the train station.
Thankfully that was a simple bus ride away. I knew where I was going and
Before I boarded a patronising desk clerk answered a couple of questions I had. He spoke to me
like I didn’t know what a train was.
San Diego, greetings Los Angeles. Three guesses what happened next…yes I got
lost. I jotted down directions but they didn’t help. I walked across the road to
a shop selling bus tour tickets in search of a street map. They had one but it
was shite. It didn’t help me whatsoever and the staff were only concerned with
people buying a bus ticket. I had a decision to take, left or right. It was the
wrong way.
I’d just wander around aimlessly and take the “scenic route”. This is the point
where I meet incredible people or discover something great that I would have
missed otherwise. This time I had my whopping suitcase so I was in no mood to
wander around without a clue.
an act of desperation I went into a Domino’s pizza joint shop thinking they’d
probably have a map as they deliver. This was my theory. They didn’t have a
map. The manager took pity on me and offered to drive me across there as he’d just
finished his shift. I accepted as I had no idea where I was or how I’d get to
the hostel. This guy would be pretty dumb to kidnap me seen as half his staff
witnessed me getting into a car with him. This guy would get some serious
good-karma-points with this goodwill gesture. It was tainted slightly when he
asked me out for dinner but I made my excuses and walked into the hostel.
Marriage proposal and dinner request all in one day, now I do feel special.
enough excitement for one day I think. I set my stuff down in the female only
dorm that yet again confirmed that girls are just as messy as guys, if not more
in some cases. This hostel was definitely a step up from San Diego. I had a
plug socket and a light by my bed. Now that’s what I’m talking about.
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