I don't believe I have ever underestimated my fitness levels before. When I've been at my best I could run 10 miles comfortably through a mud trail and at my worst I'd feel out of breath after climbing two flights of stairs. I hide my embarrassment through humour as always. However, recently I have had a change of heart about my well-being during my travels.
Yes, I did struggle with the beast to begin with. In fact, it was always a struggle but I did start off with just 12kg which almost doubled before I caved in and bought a suitcase in Australia. I'd almost always opt to walk long distances if it'd save on bus fare - weather permitting of course. Most days actually included a lot of walking as I visited tourist sites and discovered places and views of my own. I never really thought about it until now.
At present I'm back to working a desk job. My movement is very minimal. The furthest I move is the two minute stroll to the water machine or ten steps to the printer. Rather than heaving the beast upon my back, I bicep curl a 30g chocolate bar into my mouth. I am back to my poor breathless worst where those two floors (four flights of stairs) seem to defeat me every day. This is not good.
Although I often joke about how unfit I was whilst travelling, I have a new-found respect for how much I actually did. I am now a sloth in comparison. I have signed myself up to do a half marathon in September. It's the kick up the arse I need. I like my food but I enjoy having an above average level of fitness. I actually turned down free chocolate today. I know, I nearly fainted too. I won't be doing that every day though, I don't have the willpower!
To make up for our fumbling efforts at conversing the night before, Nathan and I headed out for breakfast. I learned very quickly that San Francisco has the best of everything and I am falling for this place day by day. In light of this, it wasn't difficult to find a decent place nearby to eat. Nathan took me to a bagel place and then to a local cafe. Although I served plenty of them in Australia, I'd never actually tried a Chai latte.
Bagel and latte in tow, we walked across the road and sat outside Starbucks. I didn't mean to be square but I asked Nathan if we'd be told to leave what with us having coffee and bagels from elsewhere. In England we'd be challenged on the spot. I wanted to tuck into my bagel undisturbed. Nathan shrugged and said he does it all the time. It's a better spot to catch the sun and a small way of sticking it to Starbucks. I'm on board with that!
Nathan and I people-watched whilst tucking into our tasty bagels. I found out a bit more about the stranger who let me kip on their couch. Nathan is laid back, confident but not cocky and incredibly world-wise. I listened to Nathan regale a series of exciting adventures from his travels in Europe. I was slightly envious as this guy had no apparent worries in his life. He's lead a fulfilling life, travelled, is constantly learning, has enough spends to do as he pleases and is in a seemingly healthy relationship. All this and he makes it look effortless. He could just be a very good actor masterfully hiding the details that would taint this picture but I would be pretty darn happy if I was in his shoes. One shining light in all this is that Nathan is around 10 years my senior so I have time to get to that point. I have something to aim for which is always good.
Finishing up I thought I'd make a quick toilet stop, may as well take full advantage! I went to open the entrance door and was accosted by a rather rotund lady. For some reason I offended her for which she then proceeded to shout at me and tell me that I should let her through the door first because she's older than me. Again something that would never happen in England unless the lady was 80-odd. Age is a fiercely guarded secret for a lot of women in England and perhaps Britain as a whole. I took no offence and chuckled to myself.
Pleasantly full (my Chai latte was wonderful if anyone wondered...), I said my goodbyes to Nathan and went exploring. I started off with Nob Hill. I have to confess, I was drawn to the name more than anything, Nob tee hee. But apparently it's a good neighbourhood with parks and nice views. Honestly it is. Ok, I can do this...
In all seriousness, and a Google search later, Nob Hill was penned after the numerous magnates who built mansion after mansion in a bid to out-do one another. Nob, I have come to realise, has another meaning - a shortening of the word nobility. Perhaps I should feel ashamed for giggling at the name, but then I read that the area where the edges blur between Tenderloin and Nob Hill is nicknamed Tender Nob...I mean come on!!
Whether or not I passed through that area, I don't know. I did, however, visit the pristine green expanse that is Huntington Park. I was tempted to run like a lunatic and play in the pretty awesome looking park but no, I am a grown up now, pfft. Instead I sat on a bench and looked at a replica of Rome's Fountain of Tortoises.
Grace Cathedral was close by and a worthy sight. I took a quick snap and moved on.
As I looked out towards the horizon, I could see the faint outline of Chinatown. I descended down one of San Fran's synonymous dipping roads where I was almost shrouded by a cluster of towering hotels. It shows there is still a definite air of affluence in Nob Hill. I felt like an Oliver-Twist-like imposter so I didn't hang around.
Chinatown in San Fran has the usual attributes - hanging lanterns, curved rooftops, oriental (usually dragon- draped) lamp-posts and an abundance of cheap eats. Perhaps this might have been the first time I truly opened my eyes in a Chinatown distract, but I saw a tremendous amount of strange edging on eerie shops.
There was the samurai sword shop which I thought was impressive. I tried to imagine the reaction I would get trying to take one of those bad boys through airport customs. I didn't have enough money for a sword holster never mind an actual sword.
Moving on I found shop after shop selling odd antiques, displays and statues. There were people in the shops genuinely looking around and not laughing and pointing like me. Maybe this is what you would find in a typical American household and I'm just culturally naive.
My day wouldn't necessarily be deemed as productive. I did a lot of walking and I saw quite a lot so I was happy.
Back at the apartment, Nathan invited me out for a drink with a couple of his friends. If I'm getting ready with others I tend to judge my outfit on what everyone else is wearing. I looked at Nathan who was pretty casual yet somehow quite slick and smart. I can never get away with that. You can definitely tell if I've put effort into my outfit. I'm either dressed up and 'prettified' or I look like a person who's struggling to piece an outfit together on laundry day. I don't do breezy smart-casual.
The situation certainly didn't call for my maxi-dress and my blue dress was incredibly creased. I opted for leggings, a denim skirt and a casual top. I looked like a backpacker. Nathan refrained from doing the 'once over'. You know the look. A frown and a quick flick of the eyes from bottom to top (or vice versa). I'm used to that! Then again, most people I have seen do that are women so perhaps it was inevitable that Nathan wouldn't give a crap what I wore.
Emptying my mind of flurried thoughts of what I could wear if I was at home, we departed for a nearby wine bar. I met Nathan's friend Lisa who had already ordered snacks and was sipping red wine from a large glass.
Looking around, I decided I should have made time and ironed my blue dress. I did feel like a hobo but that feeling was short-lived as Lisa embraced me and offered me helpings of the bread and cheese platter she had ordered. What an angel.
Nathan ordered a glass of red wine and was about to do the same but I objected. White only for me I'm afraid. All eyes were on me. This was an upmarket establishment where I imagine business meetings take place during the day and accomplished San Franciscans came to let their hair down by night. People who are well versed in wine ordering. I just tend to pick a bottle with a nice label, kind of like how a young child picks out a book to read. I know nothing about wine. I asked for something light and sweet. The waiter nodded, said something that I could not understand and disappeared. Nathan and I shrugged and went back to our conversation.
Soon, we were joined by another one of Nathan's friends who had clearly just dismounted a motorcycle. Woooooow. This guy looked like a movie star. Not because he came by motorcycle but because he was ridiculously good looking! I picked my jaw up from the ground and attempted to act breezy as I was introduced to Charlie.
The common guys vs. girls debate was fiercely discussed both in the context of relationships and the world in general. Obviously nobody agreed but it was all in good fun. I made fun of how Nathan pronounced cashew nut. I say c-ashoo nut and he says cash-oo nut. Ok, that sounds boring but it was funny at the time and I have it written in my notes so I felt like it was something that I wanted to remember.
Something that we joked about too was Charlie's uncanny resemblance to Clark Kent/Superman. Haha, this just gets better and better. Don't worry, my tongue was firmly enclosed in my mouth as Nathan was busy playing cupid. Lisa and Charlie was a setup, how sweet.
We talked into the night about my travels, Nathan's travels and life as we all know it. I had great fun and didn't notice the time pass at all. Charlie mentioned a good website to find out about free stuff to do in San Fran. He also mentioned a festival that was coming up but I couldn't quite hear what he said. I'm sure he said something like "Up My Alley" which sounded dodgy. I got Charlie's number as we hoped to all meet up again to witness the weird festivities.
The evening came to an end naturally. Lisa intended to get home on her bicycle despite it being incredibly late and being fuelled by quite a few wines. Lisa's braver than me! Charlie offered to give her a ride back on his bike. That was it, Nathan lunged in there before Lisa had chance to protest. Nathan insisted Lisa leave her bike at his apartment and head back with Charlie. All because he wanted to make sure she got home safely. Ha, you're fooling nobody but I like your style. Who could refuse Clark Kent's noble gesture?
It was sorted, Lisa and Clark...I mean Charlie, left together. Nathan and I didn't stay up long as we were both beat. I aired my concerns about my next hosts as I'd not heard anything back since I received an acceptance message a week before. Nathan kindly said that I could stay as long as I needed. It was very tempting and would save me a lot of hassle shifting my crap again.
Before I had chance to snap up Nathan's offer, I received a text message from my next hosts. My gut told me to stay at Nathan's but I was curious about my new hosts. It was a chance to meet new people and stay in a new part of San Fran. I thought it would only be fair to go through with my original plans and messaged the new hosts back confirming an arrival time the following day.
Bagel and latte in tow, we walked across the road and sat outside Starbucks. I didn't mean to be square but I asked Nathan if we'd be told to leave what with us having coffee and bagels from elsewhere. In England we'd be challenged on the spot. I wanted to tuck into my bagel undisturbed. Nathan shrugged and said he does it all the time. It's a better spot to catch the sun and a small way of sticking it to Starbucks. I'm on board with that!
Nathan and I people-watched whilst tucking into our tasty bagels. I found out a bit more about the stranger who let me kip on their couch. Nathan is laid back, confident but not cocky and incredibly world-wise. I listened to Nathan regale a series of exciting adventures from his travels in Europe. I was slightly envious as this guy had no apparent worries in his life. He's lead a fulfilling life, travelled, is constantly learning, has enough spends to do as he pleases and is in a seemingly healthy relationship. All this and he makes it look effortless. He could just be a very good actor masterfully hiding the details that would taint this picture but I would be pretty darn happy if I was in his shoes. One shining light in all this is that Nathan is around 10 years my senior so I have time to get to that point. I have something to aim for which is always good.
Finishing up I thought I'd make a quick toilet stop, may as well take full advantage! I went to open the entrance door and was accosted by a rather rotund lady. For some reason I offended her for which she then proceeded to shout at me and tell me that I should let her through the door first because she's older than me. Again something that would never happen in England unless the lady was 80-odd. Age is a fiercely guarded secret for a lot of women in England and perhaps Britain as a whole. I took no offence and chuckled to myself.
Pleasantly full (my Chai latte was wonderful if anyone wondered...), I said my goodbyes to Nathan and went exploring. I started off with Nob Hill. I have to confess, I was drawn to the name more than anything, Nob tee hee. But apparently it's a good neighbourhood with parks and nice views. Honestly it is. Ok, I can do this...
No I really can't!
In all seriousness, and a Google search later, Nob Hill was penned after the numerous magnates who built mansion after mansion in a bid to out-do one another. Nob, I have come to realise, has another meaning - a shortening of the word nobility. Perhaps I should feel ashamed for giggling at the name, but then I read that the area where the edges blur between Tenderloin and Nob Hill is nicknamed Tender Nob...I mean come on!!
Whether or not I passed through that area, I don't know. I did, however, visit the pristine green expanse that is Huntington Park. I was tempted to run like a lunatic and play in the pretty awesome looking park but no, I am a grown up now, pfft. Instead I sat on a bench and looked at a replica of Rome's Fountain of Tortoises.
The fountain lights up at night
As I looked out towards the horizon, I could see the faint outline of Chinatown. I descended down one of San Fran's synonymous dipping roads where I was almost shrouded by a cluster of towering hotels. It shows there is still a definite air of affluence in Nob Hill. I felt like an Oliver-Twist-like imposter so I didn't hang around.
Chinatown in San Fran has the usual attributes - hanging lanterns, curved rooftops, oriental (usually dragon- draped) lamp-posts and an abundance of cheap eats. Perhaps this might have been the first time I truly opened my eyes in a Chinatown distract, but I saw a tremendous amount of strange edging on eerie shops.
There was the samurai sword shop which I thought was impressive. I tried to imagine the reaction I would get trying to take one of those bad boys through airport customs. I didn't have enough money for a sword holster never mind an actual sword.
Moving on I found shop after shop selling odd antiques, displays and statues. There were people in the shops genuinely looking around and not laughing and pointing like me. Maybe this is what you would find in a typical American household and I'm just culturally naive.
I need something that ties the room together. I'm thinking...a fat man...grinning menacingly...with a cocked leg and a dangling ear lobe. Where the chuff am I going to find that? Don't worry, Chinatown has all the answers!
My day wouldn't necessarily be deemed as productive. I did a lot of walking and I saw quite a lot so I was happy.
Back at the apartment, Nathan invited me out for a drink with a couple of his friends. If I'm getting ready with others I tend to judge my outfit on what everyone else is wearing. I looked at Nathan who was pretty casual yet somehow quite slick and smart. I can never get away with that. You can definitely tell if I've put effort into my outfit. I'm either dressed up and 'prettified' or I look like a person who's struggling to piece an outfit together on laundry day. I don't do breezy smart-casual.
The situation certainly didn't call for my maxi-dress and my blue dress was incredibly creased. I opted for leggings, a denim skirt and a casual top. I looked like a backpacker. Nathan refrained from doing the 'once over'. You know the look. A frown and a quick flick of the eyes from bottom to top (or vice versa). I'm used to that! Then again, most people I have seen do that are women so perhaps it was inevitable that Nathan wouldn't give a crap what I wore.
Emptying my mind of flurried thoughts of what I could wear if I was at home, we departed for a nearby wine bar. I met Nathan's friend Lisa who had already ordered snacks and was sipping red wine from a large glass.
Looking around, I decided I should have made time and ironed my blue dress. I did feel like a hobo but that feeling was short-lived as Lisa embraced me and offered me helpings of the bread and cheese platter she had ordered. What an angel.
Nathan ordered a glass of red wine and was about to do the same but I objected. White only for me I'm afraid. All eyes were on me. This was an upmarket establishment where I imagine business meetings take place during the day and accomplished San Franciscans came to let their hair down by night. People who are well versed in wine ordering. I just tend to pick a bottle with a nice label, kind of like how a young child picks out a book to read. I know nothing about wine. I asked for something light and sweet. The waiter nodded, said something that I could not understand and disappeared. Nathan and I shrugged and went back to our conversation.
Soon, we were joined by another one of Nathan's friends who had clearly just dismounted a motorcycle. Woooooow. This guy looked like a movie star. Not because he came by motorcycle but because he was ridiculously good looking! I picked my jaw up from the ground and attempted to act breezy as I was introduced to Charlie.
The common guys vs. girls debate was fiercely discussed both in the context of relationships and the world in general. Obviously nobody agreed but it was all in good fun. I made fun of how Nathan pronounced cashew nut. I say c-ashoo nut and he says cash-oo nut. Ok, that sounds boring but it was funny at the time and I have it written in my notes so I felt like it was something that I wanted to remember.
Something that we joked about too was Charlie's uncanny resemblance to Clark Kent/Superman. Haha, this just gets better and better. Don't worry, my tongue was firmly enclosed in my mouth as Nathan was busy playing cupid. Lisa and Charlie was a setup, how sweet.
We talked into the night about my travels, Nathan's travels and life as we all know it. I had great fun and didn't notice the time pass at all. Charlie mentioned a good website to find out about free stuff to do in San Fran. He also mentioned a festival that was coming up but I couldn't quite hear what he said. I'm sure he said something like "Up My Alley" which sounded dodgy. I got Charlie's number as we hoped to all meet up again to witness the weird festivities.
The evening came to an end naturally. Lisa intended to get home on her bicycle despite it being incredibly late and being fuelled by quite a few wines. Lisa's braver than me! Charlie offered to give her a ride back on his bike. That was it, Nathan lunged in there before Lisa had chance to protest. Nathan insisted Lisa leave her bike at his apartment and head back with Charlie. All because he wanted to make sure she got home safely. Ha, you're fooling nobody but I like your style. Who could refuse Clark Kent's noble gesture?
It was sorted, Lisa and Clark...I mean Charlie, left together. Nathan and I didn't stay up long as we were both beat. I aired my concerns about my next hosts as I'd not heard anything back since I received an acceptance message a week before. Nathan kindly said that I could stay as long as I needed. It was very tempting and would save me a lot of hassle shifting my crap again.
Before I had chance to snap up Nathan's offer, I received a text message from my next hosts. My gut told me to stay at Nathan's but I was curious about my new hosts. It was a chance to meet new people and stay in a new part of San Fran. I thought it would only be fair to go through with my original plans and messaged the new hosts back confirming an arrival time the following day.
Perhaps it was the wine or seeing Charlie take off with Lisa, but I felt like I needed to ask or I'd end up regretting it. I turned to Nathan and asked if there would be any chance that he could take me out for a spin on his motorbike, even if it was just around the block. I've never been on the back of a motorcycle and I'm all for new experiences. Nathan gave a tentative answer and said he'd let me know. It wasn't a firm no so I was hopeful.
All I wanted to do was sleep but I made sure I had everything pretty much packed and ready for the morning so I could depart in good time. I was venturing west towards Golden Gate Park the next day. Fingers crossed my next hosts are just as welcoming as Andy and Nathan have been.
All I wanted to do was sleep but I made sure I had everything pretty much packed and ready for the morning so I could depart in good time. I was venturing west towards Golden Gate Park the next day. Fingers crossed my next hosts are just as welcoming as Andy and Nathan have been.
I still have the Chai Latte that we bought ages ago at mine still. Reading this blog reminded me about that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I did laugh at Tender Nob!