Sunday, 27 March 2011

Notorious P.I.G.

“A real loser is somebody who is so afraid of not winning that they don't even try. Little Miss Sunshine

On the subject of losing, reality has set home that I’m not as fit as I used to be. It happened somewhere between being overtaken on my bike by someone thrice my age and going out for what I thought would be a leisurely 5 mile jog only to feel like my lungs would explode 5 minutes in. I miraculously completed my 5 mile jog so all is not lost. I even managed a sprint finish!

As I settled down I began to have flashbacks from when I first started jogging. I was more of a sprinter than an endurance runner but thought it’d be an easy enough transition from one to the other. Instead my first attempt resembled the jogging scene in Run Fatboy Run. I did manage to get a bit better, well a lot better and I didn’t need to be chased by someone with a spatula to get there! My training has dropped down my weekly to-do list which is unfortunate as I do love jogging. Luckily my second job keeps me active. I certainly have a new-found respect for waiting staff. It’s harder than it looks that’s for sure.

I’ve gained some extra cash and managed to lose a few pounds which is a bonus. I figure that, not only do I need to be in pretty good shape for all the hiking I intend to do, I need to try and be as slim as I can. The reason for this is simple, I intend to stuff my face. Nothing new there. Those who know me have come to realise that I am a fat person trapped inside an average sized (I wouldn’t go as far as slim!) girl. I have curves in the right places yes, but I also have curves in the wrong places and that aint good. I’m not annoyed or sad about my shape. If I was really that bothered about it I’d eat the right things and exercise more but then I wouldn’t be happy. I’d rather be a bit fat and happy that I can indulge whenever I want than be thin and miserable. I would be miserable without cake in my life, FACT.

In general terms, backpackers usually lose weight. They’re active and are living on a shoestring so inevitably lose weight from living off of rice and beans. I, however, think I will defy this cliché as I have grand plans food-wise. I want to eat a pretzel the size of my face as well as the best pie ever in America. I want to gorge on BBQ’d errrr everything in Australia. New Zealand has good cake so there’ll be no stopping me there. Noodles and rice dishes in Thailand…you get the picture. I’m probably going to have to get a credit card just for my food indulgences alone. I don’t think I’ve ever met my match when it comes to my insatiable sweet tooth and love for food in general…there’s still time.

I think my mum’s trying to fatten me up before I go. She’s going through a baking phase at the moment. Not that I’m complaining of course but it does make me laugh. If there is a period of time during my trip where I have to scrimp on food then that ample supply of cupcakes that accumulated on my thighs will come in handy. Whatever makes her sleep better at night.

Days to go: 153
Number of times I’ve been addressed as Daniel since last blog: 3
Cash fund: Pitiful

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