Sunday, 10 April 2011

Tip Of The Iceberg Mate

I find it strange that I’m finding my second job rather enjoyable. A feeling which is not only unexpected but unusual as I’ve never really felt this way before. Maybe it’s the fact that this job isn’t that annoying, the staff are nice and there’s no politics . It’s refreshing not to have the overwhelming upsurge of anger that propels me to break something. Counting to ten never works by the way.

There is one thing which niggles me though…tipping. Tipping is a puzzle I don’t think I’ll ever be able to solve. It’s not a concept I am well-versed in. I think it’s obligatory to leave a 10% tip if you feel you’ve received a good service. I don’t know whether that’s right or not but think any tip is better than no tip! It has been interesting to witness the other side of things. Here’s a few things I’ve learnt whilst working as a waitress:

There is no set rule for tipping, it’s just pure luck 
I’ve bent over backwards for tables and received nothing, yet I’ve only taken a drinks order for a table and they’ve left me a £3-5 tip. I’ve even made mistakes with some customers and they still left me something. Crazy! I’m thankful of course but it just confuses me further. I always thought tipping was a gesture reflective of the service received. Now I think it’s more to do with a routine. People either tip or they don’t regardless of what happens.

Riddle wrapped in a mystery trapped inside an enigma
There’s a new etiquette in town - tipping out. Although the waitress keeps the tips at the end of the night, it is up to them to tip out to the other staff as they see fit. Other than the standard 20% to the kitchen, I wasn’t really told how much should go to everyone else. I thought that if the bar didn’t make my drinks or if the pudding person didn’t make any desserts on my shift that I didn’t tip them…wrong! Ooooops. Yeah I learnt the “rules” the hard way.

Trust nobody
I always thought skipping the bill was something people joked about but never actually did. Come on, we’ve all thought it right? But I never thought people actually did it. Oh but they do and it’s not even the people you think would do that kind of thing. I had a family of four skip out on a bill of around £40...on Mother’s Day. Thankfully I didn’t have to foot the bill but there are places where the waitress has to pay which is awful. People are shit, fact.

It surprises me how much mess one person can make
Sometimes I think people place bets on who can be the messiest. I always thought people try to be on their best behaviour in public. Ha! I guess because they don’t have to clear it up they don’t care. Thank you.

So back to tipping…yes I realise that I’m edging towards Sheldon-style extremities. Where is the algorithm guys!?! But seriously, it makes no sense. Luckily I’m not visiting many places where tipping is a major issue. Japan, no tipping. Thailand, generally not expected (according to LP, so who knows!). Australia and New Zealand take the same stance as the UK. Tipping in America is vital. I read that you need to tip bar staff. If I got a quid for every drink I pulled…Unfortunately America is the last country on my list. By that point I will be counting the pennies and living off one all-you-can eat buffet meal a day. I do hope I don’t become the person who shoves bread rolls in their purse for later *shudders*.

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