Thursday, 9 June 2011

Does That Make Me Crazy...Probably

Dear brain,

Firstly, I’d like to thank you for getting me this far. You have certainly surpassed many people’s expectations and that’s always satisfying to watch.

There have been times where rational thought had been on holiday and social embarrassment took the reigns. There isn’t a blog entry big enough to fill in the silly mistakes and embarrassing moments made but hey, everything that has happened has led up to this moment. I am going to travel around the world so there are certainly no regrets…that I can think of anyway!

I feel like this trip is a fresh start for me. There isn’t a clear path or any sort of direction to my life right now which is something that would normally petrify me, yet I feel exhilarated.

But, I digress, the reason why I write to you today is, in the nicest way possible…well…you need to sort yourself out mate. I don’t know where you’ve been for the past couple of weeks but I feel like I’m on my own right now. I honestly didn’t know what day it was yesterday. I’m finding myself forgetting things. I'll ask somebody something and then that memory will be gone in a split second. I won't remember asking the question or what the answer was. I’m like an old woman! I still know how to dress myself and put one foot in front of the other so there’s nothing significantly wrong. But there are times where I completely glaze over (Homer Simpson style) and all thoughts trickle out of my head like a slot machine hitting jackpot.

It always happens at crucial moments too so your timing is terrible! Why couldn’t you go kaput when I’m listening to drainers or when the adverts come on the telly. Instead, it’s whilst I’m at work. I feel like I’m losing the plot. Ok, I have figured out that I work more hours than I sleep so I’m not doing you any favours (working 24 out of 48 hours is fun, you should try it!), but still…

Don’t fail me now! We only have 8 weekends to go and then you get a rest. I’ll make sure we have some quality duvet time and the only decisions you need to process will be what to eat and when to pee!

I was hoping the thought of relaxing on a beach in Fiji, meditating in Japan or eating a pretzel the size of one’s head would be enough to get you through this but I was wrong*. Now let’s give a final push…now I sound like I’m giving birth. Calm down, you already know that I would never put you through that kind of trauma. We’re coming to the final stretch now and we’ve tripped over a few times but let’s make it a sprint finish (like this peppy guy!).

So to conclude, we need to be more responsive and less retarded, thanks.

Big love,

*I’m rarely wrong and if I am, I’ll fight to the bitter end before I admit it! You’ve been warned!

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