My funds have been given a mighty boost which is great, but it’s still tainted with the sadness of my loss. I wish I didn’t have to sell my baby. I
On the subject of goodbyes, generally speaking, it’s the easiest part for me. Having a second job and no time to socialise has given my bank of friends a much needed spring clean. It is a bittersweet moment - it sucks but I feel it is for the best.
I think I’ll end up missing really weird things that make up my everyday routine. I’m always connected, whether it be through my mobile or the internet (or both really as I have a smartphone). So I think it will be strange not having that safety blanket. If I get lost I won’t have my trusty google maps on my phone. Whenever I get that annoying moment where I can’t remember the actor in a movie or some other random trivia, I can’t turn to imdb any more. Well, unless I track down an internet café, pay to log on…meh too much effort. By the time I find out the information I want to know it will be too late and the moment will have passed.
Facebook has always been a love/hate internet tool. It’s fine for staying in touch with people or reconnecting with people from the past but that’s about it really. People are increasingly displaying every aspect of their lives on there. Sometimes it’s funny, but for the most part I just want to shake these people and try and make them see how ridiculous they’re being. But because pretty much everyone is doing it, I feel like the outcast.
I read a really interesting article about FOMO - the Fear of Missing Out via a blog post. An interesting concept that many will scoff at and think that it does not apply to them. It’s intriguing to think that peoples’ public displays of "look at me" could actually derive from a need to compete with what other people are doing. A modern day keeping up with the Jones’ perhaps? People don’t want to think that they’re missing out on something so put forward their own stamp on Facebook so they too stand out. I didn’t realise it went that deep. I thought it was mere attention-seeking. Don’t worry, my trip is not some elaborate ruse to get back at those on Facebook!
I’m not scoffing though. I am certainly guilty of the FOMO. At the moment I never switch my mobile off. I used to when I was younger but there was one night when a friend texted me for advice and I didn’t get it until the morning and felt terrible. That might be more to do with my (annoying) need to please people than “the fear” of missing out on something. I have Facebook on my phone and find myself checking my newsfeed to see what’s happening in the world. I don’t know why I bother because most of the time I get an insight into what people have had for lunch for instance, or am bombarded by updates about being angry/happy for vague reasons that are meant to strike a comment frenzy…yawn.
I’m not that bad though. Thankfully I can sit through a film at the cinema without the need to text, tweet or Facebook. Unfortunately there are some who can’t contain themselves. I don’t get it, I must be missing something…wait a minute…nooooo.
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