Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Catching Up - Photos

National Park - 1 night, 2 days

 Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, River Kwai, Thailand. It contains the remains of 6,982 Australian, Dutch and British war prisoners who lost their lives during the construction of the Death Railway.

 The nicest thing I saw in the eerie Jeath Museum.


 Bridge on River Kwai

The train slowly travelled over the wooden section of the track.

 Ooof, I need a lie down, I'm exhausted. This place looks good. There's even a tiger to cuddle...wait...

 Stay asleep...staaaay.

 This was right before the tiger nutted me in the face...

 My attempt at bamboo rafting.

 The local to my right is awesome at karaoke.

This aint so bad...

But there was another creature in the river that I didn't account for...


My feeble attempt at steering the raft.

 Elephant trek.

 The railway passing.

 My simple lodgings. The decor needed a bit of an update though!

 The dodgy pool table.

Koh Tao

What a view...

I'm on a tiny island, yet I still manage to find Jeremy Kyle.

Muay Thai boo-boo

The fishies loved the biscuits.


  1. The photos of you and the tiger are awesome: you little hottie.

    Guess ;-)

  2. Hmmm, I'm not very good at guessing. Can I have a clue?

  3. The time-zone leaks information and my choice of words in this sentence includes a second clue.

  4. (The answer is also available by correlation!)
