This time it was good news, we all had the day off! Hooray. It’s a miracle. Due to this rare occurrence of us all having the same day off together, we planned to spend Australia Day beach hopping, fishing and sea kayaking. We hunted down a few websites online that had good deals on car rentals. With our cursors poised on the checkout button, our hearts sank when we saw the weather forecast. Rain…again…all damn day.
We could picture the day in our heads. We’d get up and pack for a picnic and dress for the sun. We’d slather on the sun tan lotion and pick up the car. We’d start our beach hopping day only to get drenched. Our picnic on the beach would turn into an awkward snack in the car. We wouldn’t be able to fish or go sea kayaking as we’re not one of those people that like doing such activities in the rain. Our day would be ruined.
After a very long and tiresome discussion, we decided to play it safe and head to the city. All I’d heard during the lead up to this day was how big a celebration it would be. The streets will be teeming with music acts, market stalls and generally mad Aussies caked in face paint. This very thought excited me. After witnessing the most restrained Christmas ever and only seeming to observe the “upper class” of the Northern Beaches, I wanted to see the nitty-gritty-crazy-bastard side.
It was a slow morning as we were still debating on what to do and where to go. The weather seemed ok but the haunting thoughts that previously engulfed our day dreams were still present. We had a quick breakfast and headed into the city. Some people at the hostel had dressed up and they weren’t even Aussie. I was getting excited.
We got off the bus in the centre and followed Dan’s lead as he knew a good place to get food.
Sidenote: Dan is Steff’s mate from work who is also staying at the hostel. He shared his steak with me after we had only just met. Therefore, in my eyes, he was a decent chap indeed. He also has a brilliant cockney accent.
After a while, we realised we were walking in the wrong direction. Typical me…wait, it wasn’t me that was leading the way. Ha! But still, it was getting hotter, we were getting hungrier and the realisation that the weather forecast was completely wrong had dawned on us. We were all pretty ratty and started to bicker. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the “I told you so” jibe. That was the basis of the bickering.
Dan's punishment for leading us astray.
Dan started to get frustrated as he wasn’t used to how our friendship runs. From an outsider’s perspective, it probably looks like all we do is argue and moan and it usually takes a lot for us to be happy. On the contrary, I think it’s brilliant! We get on so well and know how each other works. We can have a rant or bicker to let off steam and then carry on as usual once we get it all out. I find that much healthier than seething and letting it develop into bitterness. As me, Mel and Steff are crammed into a room, we’re bound to get on each other’s nerves. We all do things differently and yes, part of it is about compromise, but part of it is about letting go before you all go insane! I think we have the right balance. We’ve been together for almost four months now so I think that’s proof enough.
We didn’t have to worry about getting back to where we started as we passed some free buses.
Free London Transport buses were running throughout the city.
On our journey to getting food, we passed a couple of awesome break dancers. We also stopped for a very strange woman in mime make-up. She took a shine to Mel and started dancing and gurning in front of her. The woman was miming to a song with a ukulele and looked rather unhinged, yet people crowded round to see her. It’s not the kind of entertainment I was expecting!
As we sat down to eat, it started to rain. At least there was an element of truth in the weather report after all! Once our appetites were satisfied, we went off in search of some culture and entertainment. As we couldn’t find anything within The Rocks, we ventured to the Circular Quay and found this odd fellow.
Does this look like the face of confidence?
Mel and Steff didn’t even wait to see what happened and walked further on. Dan and I followed after the cringing moment when he started to ask for money. We got an ice cream from Gelatissimo. This place sells awesome gelato. I read that Leonardo Di Caprio podged out in Sydney as he racked up a $500 tab on the stuff. With the popsicle photo I took in Japan (Temple Binge), I think this guy has a serious sweet tooth.
We sat and ate our ice creams and realised that we’d ran out of things to do. We grew bored instantly and had a decision to make. Do we hang around for a couple of hours and wait for the fireworks or shall we head back on the ferry to Manly and see what’s happening there. We went for the latter and bought a ticket for the ferry. Mel and Steff had been on the ferry before but I hadn’t. We managed to bag some great seats right at the front of the boat.
Standard Opera House photos...
Not forgetting the Harbour Bridge too.
It was a bit windy!
Steff, Mel, Me and Dan
We decided to go straight to the beach and hang out there for a bit. It had stopped raining at least but the sun was still in hiding. As we neared the beach, we realised that something was going on. Rows of people were looking out to the beach and murmuring. We reached the front and saw that some lifeguards had pulled someone out of the sea but we couldn’t see what was happening. We asked another observer and they said that they’ve been working on that person for a long time. Soon, an ambulance arrived and took the woman away. A journalist was taking photos of the scene so I made a mental note to check the Manly Daily the next day to check on her progress.
Our failed attempts at finding entertainment in Manly drove us to drink. Cocktails it is! I had a Soviet Kiss which was very tasty. Mel and Dan had an apple crumble concoction in a martini glass. Steff opted for some Sailor Jerry’s. We looked at the dessert menu and I was mighty tempted to order the chocolate cake. Nobody else wanted a dessert so I passed. Eating cake alone is fine but when there are people around, it’s best if there are others joining in.
Bottoms up!
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