It’s clear to see that I don’t get out that much (in Sydney that is), but when I do, I have a ruddy good time. Well there just happened to be one particular week where my social hat was not just firmly on, but cocked and accompanied by a trumpet band.
First off the bat was the sublime Laura Marling. I booked a ticket to see this wonder within my first couple of weeks in Sydney. Partly because…well…it’s Laura Marling…at the Opera House. Need I say more? But also because I feared that my financial situation might be worse off closer to the event and I may wimp out. Well I was correct on the financial front and I am definitely glad I booked myself a ticket. It did mean that I would be watching her alone but I came travelling alone so it’s nothing new. Plus, I was looking forward to having a day all to myself.
You might be thinking that a day is a bit extreme seen as the average gig only lasts a couple of hours with an interval, plus an encore if they feel that way inclined. However, it’s all about the build-up. I had to get ready and eat first. Both of these tasks can take an incomprehensible amount of time and I mustn’t rush.
I slept in so I was refreshed when I awoke. I work mornings – 5:30-6:30am wake-ups – so I felt added indulgence from this occurrence. I ate a small breakfast as I knew a hearty meal awaited me in the city. I hung up my outfit and went for a shower. I went to the added effort of straightening my hair. I don’t dress up often so I wanted to go all the way.
I relaxed for a little while as it was too early to go into the city just yet. When the time was right, I applied a touch of make-up, ironed my dress and slipped it on. This was a proud moment. I managed to bag a bargain dress in the brilliant sales. This dress not only cost me $10, it was marked as an XS. I only took it to the changing rooms as I didn’t think it would fit. Ok, that sounds strange but I was shopping with my roommate which is a dangerous task in itself. Mel brings out the shopaholic in me that lay dormant for many years. I have so many pretty clothes now. The beast will be happy with its feeding but my back certainly won’t be! Whilst she tried things on, I grabbed a few things to look as though I was joining in with the intention of not actually buying anything. Well that backfired!
I love my new dress.
I felt great and loved my new dress. I grabbed my bag and was ready to go. I was going to get the ferry in but I ended up getting side-tracked. By the time I made it to the bus stop, there wasn’t enough time to get the bus to Manly and get the ferry across. I guess it’s a good thing as I would have looked a bit windswept upon arrival. Instead, I opted for the bus to the city. It is typical that I wear a short-ish dress and the wind picks up. I best keep an eye on that!
I got off at The Rocks and began my search of a restaurant Mel and Steff had recommended. This place had a rooftop bar and table service overlooking the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. It sounded perfect. I wasn’t too worried about money tonight. I wanted to have a good time so took out $100 and wasn’t too worried how much change I’d get back. I felt like I deserved a treat.
Finding this restaurant proved to be tiring, annoying and, in the end, fruitless. I traipsed around in circles for about an hour with no luck. I eventually found the place only to find it was shut. I did use the fact that I was lost to my advantage. I got to see a lot of the city and take some nice photos. I think the city also got to see a lot of me as the wind kept picking up my dress!
Evidence for Mel and Steff to prove that I did find the place but it was closed.
View of the Opera House from Harbour Bridge.
I can't stop taking photos of this damn building!
I decided to go back to a place that I saw within the first five minutes of entering the city. I knew what I wanted to order straight away.
The OMG Burger. Now that's what I call a knife!
I wish I had had time to try one of the desserts but I also wanted to have a cocktail at the Opera Bar and take photos before I went inside.
My sweet tooth was not happy and rumbled at the sight of a Gelatissimo branch. Again? Why not? I sauntered along the harbour as happy as can be. I’m not sure if it was my pace or whether it was due to my ice cream being so big, but I managed to get to the Opera Bar with half an ice cream. I did look slightly odd stood to one side, alone, eating an ice cream. Everyone was too busy nattering to notice lil’ ol’ me anyway. Well that’s what I’d like to think anyway!
The last, and only, time I went to the Opera Bar, the cocktail bar was shut. I therefore knew exactly what I wanted – Dirty Carpet Disco. It’s a strange name for a cocktail. The place was heaving but I managed to get served in good time. There were no seats with tables so I went and sat along the harbour.
The cocktail was pretty average. I’ve had better ones elsewhere. Even the cheap and cheerful drinks at Monteys in York beat the fruity effort I was given. Although money wasn’t an issue this evening, I was hoping for a bit more for my $17. It looks like I’m paying for the view rather than a fancy schmancy drink.
It didn’t take me long to finish the drink and I’d seen the Opera House from all angles that night. It was time to go inside. I’ve seen many photos of the Opera House, but not that many of the inside.
Interesting architecture. I was the only one looking up. Everyone else was drinking. I looked a bit weird taking photos but I didn't care!
I went outside for a bit before I took my seat.
Up, close and personal with the House.
I took my seat and was happy with the view.
This was the only photo I managed to take without the fro of the guy in front of me encroaching the frame!
I wasn’t the only solo attendee but the majority of people there were couples of various ages. I didn’t feel socially awkward. I was excited.
Laura Marling was incredible. Not only was here voice on form, but the banter that ensued was witty, modest and felt unique to the performance. It didn’t feel forced and her nervousness between songs was so warming. Normally Laura fires off facts between songs but she forgot to bring the ones of Sydney. Instead, she reeled off a few about the Queen, her band and the songs she sang. Laura sang the entire album – A Creature I Don't Know - which Laura informed us was the first time she had sang the album from start to finish to an audience. That, and the new song she sung, made my heart skip as I knew I was witnessing something nobody else had (other than the rest of the people there, but you get what I mean!). There was no encore but there didn’t need to be one. Everyone walked out of the theatre in awe. Nobody had a negative word to say about her and how can you? She’s flipping awesome!
I followed the masses and walked along the harbour. To the right of me was a massive cruise ship that emitted loud salsa music. It was lit up like a Christmas tree so someone was having a fancy do in there. That doesn’t surprise me. Behind me a quartet of girlfriends was singing lyrics to Laura’s song Ghosts – “Lover please do not, fall to your knees, it’s not like I believe in ever-lasting love.” I knew this song very well and hummed it to myself as I made my way to the bus stop.
Clumps of people broke off and went to Gelatissimo and others queued for cake in a Guylian café. Now these are my kind of people!! Part of me wanted to go in that shop and buy a massive chocolatey something or other, but, looking inside at the counter, it didn’t look all that great. All style and no substance you might say. I could have been wrong but I didn’t want to risk ending my magnificent night on a failed cake.
I went back to the cave with the biggest of smiles on my face. I saw my roommates and told them I had a great night but didn’t elaborate too much. My favourite artists and bands are “weird music” to them which is fine I guess. We all have our own tastes.
They say money can’t buy you happiness. Well I spent a fair few dollars on my ticket and on the night in question and was happier than ever. Heck, I will have spent the equivalent of a deposit on a house by the time I’ve finished on my trip and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules and I’d like to think that I’m one of them.
Laura Marling Concert Setlist
There had been faint whisperings and weak discussions about staying the night at a friend’s house. I had a feeling it was one of those things that people say but it doesn’t ever happen. No offence to the people involved of course. We all have busy lives They have busy lives so it wouldn’t have been a surprise if our plans didn’t happen.
I can wave goodbye to pessimism as, not only did I spend the night away from the cave, I had a fantastic time.
Emma, who I met through a friend I made in Japan, introduced me to her friend Bex. I only met Bex a few times before she moved house but we got on really well. We made loose plans to have a girly weekend away at her new place but a date wasn’t set.
A few Facebook messages, conversations with my manager and the cave master later and we were good to go! I managed to bag the weekend off from work and save a night’s accommodation all before things were even confirmed yet. I had to give two weeks’ notice for all of the above so I was sweating!
I couldn’t believe I was escaping the cave for a night. I’ve been at the same place since mid-November so my excitement was limitless. I packed my things and bid farewell to my housemates. I think they were just as happy as I was! Let’s face it, we needed a break. That tiny room is enough to drive anyone insane!
Emma picked me up and drove us to Wamberal. I had no idea where that was so I just sat back and let Emma do all the navigating. It had been a while since we last spoke so a catch-up was in order. It certainly made the slow-moving-traffic ebb away and a journey that was over an hour and a half, seemed like 10 minutes.
As we pulled up, I saw Matt, Bex’s boyfriend, pouring boiling water from a kettle onto a surfboard. It did make an unusual sight. He was wiping away the wax with a cloth. Steam was billowing from the cloth and board, yet Matt happily scrubbed away. If that was me I’d be yelping and cursing the surfboard! I’m not sure if that was a display of Aussie bravado or that I’m just a wimp.
I was a bit nervous about meeting Matt as about 90% of Aussies that I have encountered have all been complete dicks. It’s not that I doubted Bex’s taste in men, but I had an unsettling feeling that the odds were against him. He turned out to be one of the good guys, a very good guy indeed.
Bex introduced Matt to me and jovially mirrored my introductory, “Hi”, but he gazed in the wrong direction. Normally this would seem slightly out of the ordinary but Emma gave me the heads up on the journey here that Matt only has 5% vision. I ignorantly wasn’t sure what to expect. It was an interesting subject matter which we touched upon in the evening.
Emma and I dumped our stuff in the spare room and made our way to the kitchen. We sat, drank tea and had a good chinwag. I felt terribly guilty as both Bex and Emma came prepared with goodies and even went as far as to bring wine as a housewarming gift. Why didn’t I think of that? Sometimes it does feel like I have become a lot more prudent with my money and almost selfish in a sense. I’m always thinking about my budget when I’m spending and how far my money will stretch for me. It’s not something that used to faze me too much at home. If I had money, I’d spend it and it wouldn’t worry me too much who I spent it on. For instance, I love to bake and I’d always bake for my family and certain friends. Back at home it never entered my thoughts as to how much money I was spending. Here, I’d be breaking down the costs and asking myself if it was worthwhile in the long run! Mad I know, but sometimes I calculate my money in a way that I’d rather save here and there for the big adventures and treats rather than being frivolous and buy rounds of drinks I can’t afford. Either way, I still come across as a tight bastard but I’ll be a tight happy bastard when I’m swimming with manta rays or hugging a koala.
It was too early for food so we went for a walk on the beach. It was a beautiful day and the beach was only across the street. Sounds familiar. As we exited the beach, we washed off the sand via the shower posts along the side walk. I underestimated the angle of the water and ended up spraying Emma. Oh dear!
Hunger pangs kicked in so we made our way to a nice little Thai restaurant in Terrigal. Bex had made reservations which was good as the place was pretty busy.
Whilst Matt and Bex went off to buy some wine, I randomly bumped into Dan (from Australia Day). He was working up in Terrigal which I had completely forgotten about. Since that day, we’ve not really gotten on. It was the first time, on my travels, that I encountered someone who expressively disliked me. I’m sure there are others out there but I never noticed them. Obviously as I’m settled in one place, it’s kind of more evident. With this knowledge, I tried my best to dodge him. Firstly to avoid any awkwardness but also because I hate the fake conversations you have with people that don’t mean anything. I can’t be arsed.
This time wasn’t awkward. It was quite random that we bumped into each other and he was polite in front of my friend Emma.*
Matt and Bex returned and we ordered four dishes to share. The portions were generous so I didn’t look like too much of a fattie stuffing my face.
Conversation was free-flowing which was nice. Emma obviously knows Bex a lot more but I didn’t feel left out and could contribute to everything they were saying. There’s nothing worse than sitting there pretending to understand what people are talking about. You laugh along even though it’s an inside joke.
Matt was comfortable with talking about his vision. He’s part of a team of Paralympic cyclists and has been training towards the Olympics. He has achieved a lot and has a level of fearlessness that I envy. He’s a keen surfer and described how unnerving it was when he first got in the water as any shadows that drifted by him could be sharks. But then he said something along the lines of, “If I’m going to get attacked by a shark, then I’ll get attacked. There’s nothing I can do to stop it happening so there’s no point in dwelling on it.” I guess it’s a fate thing. If it happens, it happens. He has a point. There are people who go out in the ocean every day here yet one holiday maker may go out snorkelling one day and get attacked. You can’t predict it. I’m still not quite convinced though!
With our bellies full we made a slow descent back to the house. We watched Crazy, Stupid Love whilst nibbling on Tim Tams and jelly sweets. It was a weird film and not just because of Ryan Gosling's orangey glow. It just had a strange pace and slightly erratic plot. When you thought it was about to reach a romantically driven climatic end, the film plods on some more.
The wine doused the potential sugar rush from the sweets and we were all beat.
Me and Emma shared the epic panther bed.
The next day we slowly got up, had breakfast and went to the beach again, this time with the intention of going in the ocean. I want to say sea but Matt corrected us all and said that technically it’s the ocean. After Matt’s explanation and a Google search, I still don’t understand what the difference is. All I know is that going into the sea has a better ring to it than ocean does. Hmm.
Matt had the task of mowing the lawn so it was just us girlies that were heading to the beach. We laid down and relaxed whilst enjoying the view. There were a couple of nice views just to the left of us. With our sunglasses on we were able to ogle without detection.
The sun’s harsh beams meant we needed a cool down. We ran into the ocean not realising how rough it was. The waves battered us. I didn’t see a wave coming and it knocked me over. I heard Emma laugh before I went under. I got up and realised that she also took a tumble. Who has the last laugh now eh?
It was hard work fending off those waves. With half the sea bed in our bikinis, we admitted defeat and walked back to the house. After a long shower, I still felt sand in my ears.
We went for lunch at a nice corner café and before we knew it, it was time to go. Emma had a work deadline and I was meant to be hosting a BBQ (which didn’t actually happen). I wasn’t ready to leave.
Matt and Bex were going on holiday** soon so I wasn’t sure whether I’d see them before I left Sydney. It felt like a final goodbye which I hate.
Although it was over all too quickly, I had a fantastic time and it safely sealed off that week as being the best I’ve had in Australia so far. Great music, great food and great friends. Awesome.
*When I got home and went on my laptop, Dan had sent me a Facebook message asking after my friend. He thought she was hot. Ah, now I get it.
**I have since learned that Matt and Bex are engaged! Matt proposed whilst they were on Lady Elliot Island. It’s such fantastic news and I am immensely happy for them. I just want to hug them both and hear all about it but I can’t as I’m leaving!
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