Monday, 25 June 2012

Saving The Planet One Shower At A Time

My previous stay in Queenstown was action packed by day and pungent by night. This time around I checked into the Sanctuary room and planned on doing as little as possible in order to save money.

It was more like a semi-sanctuary as the room was no bigger, there was no TV, no table and chairs or tea and coffee and the towel was not fluffy. The showers were just like the rest in the hostel, timed. Who came up with that invention? Why would anybody think that releasing water from the shower for a set amount of time would change anything? I still end up pressing it again to get more water to come out. Nobody has a one minute shower. You’re not being environmentally friendly, you’re being a pain in the arse!! End rant.

The girls (from the night before) planned on going up to the viewpoint and luge but I missed them as they weren’t in their room when I went up. A definite shun but I didn’t take it to heart. I didn’t know them very well and I am easily forgotten.

I was tempted to go skiing again but decided against it. Instead, I’ll wait for a moment in the future where I can go out for a few days and learn properly. I’ve met so many ski instructors and snow lovers that finding someone to help me out shouldn’t be a problem.

Hannah and Kerry were both in Queenstown still. I randomly bumped into Hannah one night. I’d been keeping up to date with her skiing feats on Facebook. Our ability levels are at polar opposites. Hannah was awesome at it and stayed on in Queenstown to keep learning. I didn’t manage to meet up with Hannah before I left but we’re both heading to Fiji and America at similar times so I hope it’s not the last that I see of her.

Kerry was easier to pin down and we spent a night catching up and talking about our future travel plans, boys and our general outlooks on life. Our ponderings were rudely interrupted by a very strange guy who thought that telling us how much money he makes and how much sex he gets would woo us. I was polite and tried to subtly tell him to bugger off. Kerry’s patience had worn thin and told him straight that we wish to be left alone.

Meeting Kerry was as social as I got for my first couple of nights. Just like in Wanaka, I had the room to myself for two out of the three nights I was there so I took advantage of having some space. On my third night I moved to another dorm. I needn’t have worried as there were only two other guys occupying the dorm and they were lovely and clean too! The shower was shockingly bad though. The water ran for three seconds (I counted) and shut off again. What the f…?

Diego from Uruguay and Anibal from Chile were very friendly and chatty. They poked fun at my laziness despite the fact that they were as bad as me!

Leaving everything to the last day was not a good idea as I was crippled with stomach cramps. I’m not sure if it was something that I ate or just a random bug. I planned on spending the day in Arrowtown but decided to try and sleep it off.

Disappointed that I was wasting my day, I tackled the walk up to the viewpoint in Queenstown. It was a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. I was sweating a lot and had to have a minute break every so often. Whenever people walked past me I tried my best not to look like I was suffering. I managed to make it in a good time though so I can’t be that bad.

Thanks to the advice from a fellow bus passenger, I stayed to watch Queenstown light up.  

Queenstown by day...

...and by night. Is it bad that I could spot Fergburger from this high up?

It was a fantastic view and worth the agonising walk. I walked around for a bit and watched a couple of people do the ledge bungy. The drop is minuscule compared to the Nevis but the process of jumping off a ledge in itself is scary stuff.

Tickets are only checked at the bottom of the gondola so I cheekily travelled down unnoticed. I didn’t fancy a walk down the beaten track in the dark.

As a reward for my efforts, I treated myself to a farewell Fergburger. Three burgers in around a week isn’t bad at all. Some have three in 24 hours. I bumped into Neil and Simone while I was waiting for my burger. It turns out they’ll be hopping on the bus tomorrow too so at least there’ll be some familiar faces.

Back at the hostel, I started talking to two Irish girls who had checked in before I went out for my walk. I gave them my perspective of New Zealand. 

Jodie and Kate were so easy to talk to and there was never that awkward silence when nobody knows what else to say. Diego and Anibal are still learning English and sometimes they had no idea what I was saying. I helped them learn a few words though.

I planned on spending my last night packing my bag and catching an early night. That was until the Irish brought out the goon. We started with drinking games and then joined Diego, Anibal and his friends in the kitchen. The hostel has a curfew on drinking so it was back to the room for dancing and more drinking.

Overall, it was a very random night. I think there was something in the water as the guys could not keep their hands off of me...literally. My roommates and the guys at pool were very grabby. On the one side I was called beautiful and on the other, a guy tried to guess my bra size. When would that ever work? Oh my, you know the size of my boobs, what a man!!

He was wrong anyway but he tried to convince me otherwise waffling on about how the majority of women don’t know their true bra size. Hold up ladies, don’t measure yourself, get a drunken kiwi to get your true bra size.

It came as a relief that I managed to find a local that isn’t very nice (to put it politely). I was beginning to think this place was a little too perfect.

My evening ended with me pushing out one of the guys’ friends as he tried to kidnap me. He’d already failed to get with Jodie so he resorted to desperate measures. I managed to shove him out whilst everyone else was spark out in bed. Thanks for the help!

What a night, what a crazy-assed night. It was a shame I wouldn’t get to spend longer with Kate and Jodie but perhaps, for my own safety, it’s best that I move on.

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