Sunday, 20 May 2012

1770 10/05/2012 - 2 Nights - Goldilocks Had The Right Idea

Hostels in Australia have been very hit and miss so, in rebellion, we decided to look around a few hostels before we decided on where to stay. As 1770 and Agnes Water are small towns, we weren’t spoilt for choice.

The first two hostels we visited were pretty much the same standard and weren’t very nice. The second hostel we went to had no plug sockets in the room. Not good news for a budding blogger. Thankfully, the third and final hostel we visited was just right. It was ideally located, had free wifi, free breakfast, free tea, coffee and bread all day as well as a games room. Sold!

We checked in and made our way to the room. I opened the door and was welcomed by stacks of building attire and empty beer bottles. All the beds had been pushed together so we couldn’t even walk in the room, not that we wanted to! It seemed they made a mistake so we were moved to a four bed dorm instead at no extra cost.

By day we explored the small quiet town and relaxed on the night. Our intention was to watch the sunset at a bar called The Tree but we forgot to go. Instead we spent most of the evening hogging the ping pong table and watching cheesy TV.


Embarrassingly, we woke up to four confused backpackers who had entered our room after check-in. Obviously the diary wasn’t updated so nobody knew that we were there. The hostel worker was a bit shocked when he swung the door open.

It was late morning so I felt a bit silly still being in bed. In the end, we didn’t have to move which was good as I didn’t fancy moving all my crap again.

With that we got up and went out for the day. We visited 1770 beach. Steff went surfing briefly but grew bored being out there on his own. Mel and I took photos, relaxed on the beach and watched people setting up a wedding. Mel and I collectively cooed. I love weddings.

Our stomachs told us it was time to eat so we left the beach. Whilst we sought out a café, we checked in for our second trip. Castaway is exactly what it says on the tin. We were due to fly out to an island and stay overnight with a group of fellow of travellers.

Two grumpy German girls were also checking in for the Castaway trip which didn’t fill us with much hope. At least we knew who to avoid. I don’t want to hate on a nationality but damn there are a lot of rude arsey Germans out there.

The travel agent was a bit sarcastic but I put that to one side when she told me the company can beat any travel quote. I needed to book my Fiji trip but was biding my time in hope of finding a good deal. I never trust a company that trashes a rival. It’s unprofessional and I’ve always been trained not to do this in previous jobs. It just makes me wonder what else they slip up on. I decided to wait until I got to Airlie Beach and I’d make my decision then.

Winding down in the evening we decided to seek out some cheap alcohol for the trip. The only catch was we couldn’t take glass onto the island. The massive alcohol warehouse only sold one brand of canned beer, the rest were bottled. Ridiculous. We settled for Carlton Mid and hoped it tasted ok. To accompany the alcohol, we bought crisps and goods to make sandwiches.

We spent our final night battling two Aussies in table tennis. I was alright and won a couple of games. One guy said I’m the best girl he’s ever seen play table tennis. I’ll take that!

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