Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Loneliest Number

Saying goodbye to Mel and Steff was gut-wrenching. Up until I got to the bus stop I was absolutely fine. I know I’ll see them again and we’ll stay in touch. We had a laugh and a joke about what I was wearing. I look like a jumble sale as I hardly have any winter clothes. Colour coordination is out the window to be replaced by comfort and warmth.

The bus pulled up and Steff helped me load my bag. We looked at each other in silence. What do you say to the friends that have been everything to you for almost seven months?

Steff was the first to speak. I can’t remember what he said but I started welling up. I hugged him and then tears started rolling down my cheeks. I moved on to Mel who too started crying. We hugged and started blubbering. I didn’t say much of anything really. I was in shock that the time had finally come for me to leave, It never felt like it was going to happen.

I waved out of the window and started to sob slightly. I managed to compose myself by the time I arrived at Proserpine airport. I checked in and was pulled to one side by an elderly security guard. He wanted to check my clothing and bags to see if there were any explosive materials on me. He brushed a ball attached to a stick within my bag and on my jacket and boots. All clear…obviously!

I sat in the departure lounge and a nice old lady started talking to me. She was from New Zealand and invited me to stay with her. I wasn’t really sure what to say so we brushed past the subject. She doesn’t live near where I’m heading anyway. It was very nice of her to offer and normally I’d jump at the chance of couchsurfing but I needed to be in Auckland to catch my bus and there were too many things to think about. Like I said, I want an easy life in New Zealand.


I landed in Brisbane around an hour and a half later. I thought I’d have a few hours to burn at the airport but I didn’t. Everything was a bit rushed as I tried to use up all my internet, eat and call my mum for the last time. I managed all but the former. I had 2GB to burn and I thought I’d be able to download something or watch something but I simply had no time. I wish I gave my dongle to Mel and Steff now as there’s no other time I can use it.

I spoke to my mum for around half an hour but it felt like two minutes. I tried to say as much as I could but my mind went blank and I couldn’t think what to say. I had to go through immigration before I reached the departure lounge so I said goodbye.

Once I got through, the boarding time had changed and I had another 20 minutes! That annoyed me so I cheered myself up by buying some Tim Tams for old time’s sake. I had some loose change that needed spending so I didn’t mind paying extra.

Before I made it through, I had another bomb check. Maybe somebody’s been tapping into my blog thinking I’m going to bomb a load of Aussies. Sheesh.

I made it in time for my flight and watched J.Edgar. I wasn’t really sure what film to watch so I opted for that as I heard good things. There weren’t any decent comedies or anything light hearted that I wanted to watch. Leonardo was on top form again.

When I got off the plane, my whole body shook as the cold hit me. Damn. I got changed into something that was meant to help me keep warm but it didn’t work. The plane landed at midnight and I was going nowhere. I decided to sleep at the airport for a few hours and then make my way across to the hostel.

It didn’t quite work out that way as the airport was incredibly loud and cold. There were people everywhere. I was surprisingly wide awake when it came to leaving the airport. I purchased a bus ticket and waited a few minutes for it to arrive. The ticket attendant said that the bus driver announces each stop so I don’t have to worry about not having a clue where I’m going. Perfect.

It didn’t work out that way as the bus driver didn’t announce the stop. I got off two stops late and had an arse of a walk, in the rain, uphill. Rubbish.

Reception was open so I checked in. Sometimes I can be lucky and am able to access my room early, but not today. I put my luggage in storage and went to the common room. I tried to stay awake but I couldn’t fight it any longer. I slept for a few hours and then went out for a wander.

I visited the library as they have free wifi. Once I was finished there I stumbled upon an amazing pancake stand. I had a cinnamon and sugar pancake and it was exquisite. It was to be the best pancake I’ve ever eaten. If I could have had a scoop of vanilla ice cream with that I’d be in heaven. Yum! So if you’re ever in Auckland, get a pancake from No1 Pancake.

Back at the hostel I met my first dorm roommate. Yamato is from Japan. Imagine my elation at that fact. We spoke for a couple of hours about our travel experiences. He’s been to my hometown, York, which was lovely to hear. Another roommate came in and, after a brief chat, we decided to go out for food together. Christina is a New Zealander so knew exactly where to go.

We had Lebanese wraps and chips accompanied by a hot sweet tea. They also had shisha there which provided another reminder of Mel and Steff (Reggae Bar, Kuala Lumpur).

The portions weren’t big enough to satisfy Yamato and I but Christina enjoyed it. It was here that she told us all about her religious beliefs and I wasn’t quite sure where to look. Yamato too was silent. Christina was a lovely lady though and really friendly.


I slept in until late in an attempt to catch up on sleep. I was so cosy and snuggly in my duvet that I didn’t want to get up. During the night I was woken up by someone jumping on my top bunk. I cursed Steffan. In the morning I woke up to see if Mel was awake. I always do this as I never wake up until Mel does. I want to have someone to talk to. Plus it means we’re not going anywhere so I may as well get the extra sleep!

Obviously moments later I twigged that I wasn’t with Mel and Steff anymore. It’s like that disorientating feeling you get when you wake up in unfamiliar surroundings. You think you’re in your own bed but you’re not.

Anyway, after admitting defeat I got up, showered and went out for another walk. This time I went all the way up to the wharf.

I stopped off at the library briefly and then on to a café for lunch.

I had a sandwich too!

Auckland has a lot of shops but thankfully they were closed. I don’t need the temptation. It was a Sunday, just in case you wondered what time I eventually got out of bed.

I walked along the wharf, chasing the sunset. Auckland isn’t that much of a built up city. Bright lights beam down from a few tall sky scrapers and the Sky Tower but everywhere else darkens. I can understand why people told me to leave Auckland straight away as there isn’t much to see (in terms of beauty) but I still had fun.

There is a long list of things to do in Auckland but I didn’t really do any of them. I caught up with my blog and then was ill on my last day. For some reason, I always get ill during my first week of visiting a country. Hopefully it won’t last and my trip will act as a distraction. I have an early morning ahead of me. There won’t be any more lie-ins for me now.

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