Reggae Mansion was a swish hostel compared to the ones I have previously stayed in. Others weren't so convinced. One girl exclaimed, "It's so small, hmph." Another commented on the following photo asking where the beds are.
Hopefully most of you can see the beds are the curtained cubicles with green lockers underneath. The girl on Facebook thought the cubicles were in fact cupboards. Oh dear. Cupboards in dorm rooms, ha!
The dorms were spacious, had multiple air con units and clothes hooks. That doesn't sound like much but its amenities like these that make life a little easier. The thing is, you can choose your dorm but you can't choose who resides in them. You get your snorers, your stinkers and your weirdos but this room took the biscuit. Nobody said hello and I seemed to be invisible when I tried to make conversation. No wait, I tell a lie. A girl asked me if I had a plug adapter. I did not (KL uses 3 pins like back home). The girl frowned and slipped away without a word. Pfft. I kept my curtain open to see if anyone would say "Hi" as they entered or left. I smiled at a few girls and greeted others but nothing. Ah well. I tried.
Breakfasts were good there. It was only on my third day that I realised it wasn't self-service and I was supposed to wait for someone to dish out the food. I was hungry dammit! I did get a bit bored of scrambled eggs each day and I ate far too much white bread toast. It was free and I can never resist a freebie. I seriously need to get my jog on in Australia.
I met up with Mel and Steffan but things weren't going so well for them. They both contracted Dengue Fever. Nasty. Steff got the brunt of the disease and ended up in hospital. Thankfully, both of them were ok. I told them about Reggae Mansion and convinced them to join me. They agreed to check in tomorrow. What cheered me up further was the trip to the cinema to see Tower Heist. Well, not initially. We rushed to make a showing but the queue was so damn slow. This felt exactly like home! However, unlike showings at home, in KL they don't have half an hour of adverts and trailers before a film. You'll be lucky if you see more than three trailers then it's straight into the movie. The server said that we'd have time but we clearly missed it. Annoyed, we purchased tickets for the next showing. We had a couple of hours to burn so decided to find somewhere to eat. This also proved to be a challenge as everything was shutting. As Mel argued with the abrupt waitress in Nandos, Steff and I ventured on as our stomachs growled with hunger.
Three pasta dishes later and we were ready for our comedy injection. We laughed, hard. Eddie Murphy was on top form. I did have my doubts but these were quashed after the first scene stealing moment Murphy had. All smiles, we retreated to our hostels and agreed to meet in the morning.
The rest of my week was a bit of a blur. Mel, Steff and I were a bundle of nerves trying to figure out a plan for Sydney. Backpackers each gave us their nuggets of wisdom. For me, none of it helped. So far all I've heard is the vague, "There are loads of jobs you'll be fine," or "Pick up some farm work." Is that all you have? Great, thanks. It's a good job I have friends who have either been to Australia or know people out there. I've received some great snippets of advice along the way. Once I have sorted my life out here, I will upload some informative pieces on each country I have been to.
With all this stress in the air, the three of us decided to unwind at the local Reggae Bar.
My first shisha moment...
Steff and his impression of a steam train.
Yep...I've no idea what I'm doing either...
Mel and Steff certainly had fun experimenting with the shisha
I had a lot of fun with Steff and Mel that night. It's nice to finally meet some people that I'll get to know well as opposed to spending one or two days with them and saying goodbye. It's one thing that has brought me down at certain points in my trip. Saying goodbye to awesome people isn't fun. I've said goodbye to some idiots too though so sometimes it is nice to have a change of scenery and meet new people.
Another good thing that has come from meeting Mel and Steff is how much they make me laugh. From their crazy "heated debates" to their weird accent impressions, I'm always guaranteed a smile when I'm around them. It may sound like an odd mix - me hanging out with a couple - but it never feels that way when I'm with them. Thankfully they're not one of those couples that constantly straddle each other nor are they of the smug variety too. they're just your average cute couple who I just happen to be great mates with. I've hung out with each of them separately too and it's never been a problem either. Steff is incredibly easy going and Mel doesn't go all Jeremy Kyle while she's at work and me and Steff have tea together.
Just to prove my point further, Heidi and Jon (the couple I met on my way to Ko Tao and then again in Krabi) stayed in Reggae Mansion a few days after I arrived. I didn't get to speak to them too much as they weren't in KL for long and I didn't want to get in the way. They are also heading over to Australia so I might see them again which would be lovely.
Despite my nerves for Australia, I'm happy and thankful for a lot of things. I have had more down moments than I thought I would along the way but it doesn't take me that long to dust myself off and get on with things. Whenever that happens I just think back to how I was feeling before the idea for this trip popped into my head and smile.