Saturday, 5 November 2011

Laughing Out Loud In Koh Phi Phi - Part Two

I didn't really have a plan as to what I would do on Phi Phi. I've been somewhat disappointed with the beaches in Thailand so far so wasn't in any rush to see the beach. I'm not saying that the beaches in Thailand are awful, it's just the way that people go on about it, I was expecting more. I have gone to the more commercial islands though so it is to be expected.
On my second day, I decided to sleep in and try and catch up on the hours I had missed from the previous nights. Michelle text me to say that the girls weren't up to much and would text if they arrange anything on the night. That was fine by me as I was in a chilled out mood (i.e. I couldn't be arsed to do anything much anyway). I had a wander about and found somewhere to eat. I walked in and took a seat in a Sports Bar that seemed to have a British atmosphere (whatever that is!) and decided to take a chance on their breakfast. It wasn't great. I saw two guys from the Bangkok Karaoke and Koh Phangan. I was debating whether to go over but thought I'd chance and it and see where the conversation lead. It didn't pay off. The conversation flatined and I wasn't prepared to make the effort they sorely lacked. I moved on. Before I had chance to seek proper shelter, it rained. It rained hard. I dashed to the nearest building which was a 7 Eleven supermarket. I turned and saw the girls in a bar on the opposite side and went across to see them.

The girls were in the middle of playing a card game. After the rules were explained to me, I joined in. We soon grew bored of playing the same game so decided to play something else. One thing lead to another and Ring of Fire/King's Cup was suggested and off we went again. The meanings were changed slightly but it was pretty much the same setup as the game I played in Krabi. For the first game, two people joined us. I forget where Angie was from and unfortunately I couldn't pronounce the other guy's name. Luckily, neither could anybody else. We searched for a nickname and decided on Frenchy. We said it as a joke at first but he accepted it so we swiftly moved on. The first game I lost and had to down Magners, Corona and...pepper. The latter ingredient was fiendishly added by Frenchie as he was waiting on his next drink so didn't have anything to add to the glass at the time. It didn't taste as bad as it sounds...honest!

After my humiliating loss, I was out for revenge...sweet revenge to be precise. I nipped out and came back with a smoothie and prayed that I'd choose a king so some sucker would have to down a mixture of alcohol and curdled yogurt smoothie. Mwhahaha.


By this point, our group had grown. Texas returned with a friend, Norm. My plan worked...somewhat. I chose a king and added a large chunk of my smoothie with delight. Suck on thaaaaaaat. The game played on. There was a large group of us which makes the game more tense and a lot more fun. Texas and his new friend were also playing. Nobody knew where the hell Oli was which was a little worrying. Texas and Emma each picked up a king so the cocktail became a mixture of a yogurt berry smoothie, a White Russian (Duuuuuude) and Malibu and pineapple. Doesn't sound too bad but this thing was sat on the table for a while as the game rolled out. There were three cards left. It was my turn. It would either be me, Texas or Gemma drinking the King's Cup. I wanted my plan to succeed so needed to be in the clear. From past experience the right has never served me well as I always end up getting lost if I go right. Left always seemed to be the answer so I went with left....

Awww, crap.

Here we go...

Oh no, the bottom is curdled and lumpy.

Tasty, ahem. Katie (middle) is errr happy? Emma (far right) needs another drink.

If anyone is looking for a quick way to get drunk before a night out, play drunken card games as it works fast. One of the girls (Michelle I think) created a rule where nobody could point. If you pointed, you had to take a gulp of your drink. Sounds simple enough. I didn't think I pointed that much, I gestured. Wrong! We all were as bad as each other. I was taking it easy. Since Koh Phangan, my stomach hasn't been right. Well technically since my lurgy, my body's not been able to take on too much alcohol. Trust me, this is more than your average hangover kids so don't tease me. It really isn't worth it. So I was mainly on water to keep hydrated and had the odd beer here and there. The girls were lovely and completely understood. They didn't hassle me or make me feel bad for not drinking.

That was enough losing for the day. The group split. Michelle and Katie moved to another bar and Emma, Gemma and I went to get a massage. I decided to have a foot massage so I didn't have to go back and get changed. I had a foot massage in Koh Tao but this one was immensely relaxing and more intense. This local was going to town on my calves and went as high as my thighs. For some reason this tickled. Strange as usually a tickling sensation is created from the mildest of touches on the skin. This woman was rubbing and kneading my skin and muscles yet this tickled. Yes, I am a freak of nature.

Despite my relaxed state I vowed to continue my night and searched for the girls. Emma and Gemma decided to head back to their accommodation so I was flying solo on my quest. I looked around for half an hour and grew bored. I texted one of the girls but didn't receive an initial response. I couldn't be bothered any more. It had been a long day so I decided to head back and rest up for the night. I know, I know, my second early night. I'm just easing myself in, that's all...

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