Friday, 30 December 2011

Goodbye Singapore...

Thoughts of a career in reviewing food outlets around the world happily distracted me from the moment I always dread when moving on to my next destination. Packing the beast. Somehow I always manage to fit everything in, but it is such an arse to get to that final point. I should have opted for a case with wheels. It's not like I've been camping in a forest or anything. Everywhere I've been has had flat even concrete. I guess I got swept away with the "glamour" of feeling like a true backpacker.

I decided to pack in the morning instead and nested in the reception hallway. I wanted to take full advantage of the hostel's free wi-fi before I left! I still had some bits and pieces to finalise and wanted to research Sydney a bit more and figure out the best way to get there from Melbourne. I've been so caught up in organising a place to stay that I forgot about that. I have no plan. Surely I need a plan?

As I sat there plying away in my own little world, a fellow backpacker sat down and started talking to me. Sod's-bleedin'-law that someone seemingly normal starts talking to me when I'm in the middle of doing something. I had a choice. Should I be friendly and continue talking to this guy or be a grouch and give one word answers until he gets the hint. Two hours flew by and I was still chatting away to this guy. As per usual, I didn't catch his name until the end of our conversation. As I was already on my laptop, we did the whole Facebook adding lark. At least that way I know my time wasn't wasted. It's happened a few times where I've gotten the wrong details off of someone. Purposefully done or not, it's annoying. I think from the handful of people that I never found online, two I was a bit annoyed about, the rest could bugger off!

So I added Rich and, in a bizarre twist, we have a mutual friend on Facebook. This is an anomaly I haven't come across before. I never contemplated this as I'm half way around the world. What are the chances that anyone I meet knows someone I know? I was slightly apprehensive but it turned out he went to school with someone I used to work with. A nice guy too. Phew. After our brief fling of the chatting variety, Rich and I parted ways possibly never to meet again. I hate it when that happens. I could be surrounded by idiots for days then find someone I actually get along with and only get to speak to them briefly. Ah well.


I got up early (shocking I know) and packed the beast with relative ease. I nipped off to Make Shake to take some more photos, chat with Daphne and collect my beautiful t-shirt. I got so carried away sipping milkshakes that I missed my taxi to the airport. I ran back even though I knew I was already late. The receptionist told me that he instructed the taxi driver to pick up more people and come back. What a lovely thing to do. Most people sadistically relish the moments where things go wrong for someone. 

I was in such a hurry collecting all my stuff and organising myself that I almost missed Rich sitting in reception. What a great surprise. Hello, goodbye! Then I was off to what has to be one of the most impressive airports I've ever been in. The main highlight that had me bouncing around like some psychotic child dosed with too much sugar, was the 40 foot slide that resides in the airport. However, what the numerous online articles and youtube videos did NOT state is that the slide is connected to the outside of the airport and cannot be accessed in the departure lounge. As soon as you pass through that barrier you're screwed. Yes I had access to free internet and wi-fi, numerous gardens, computer game stations, napping areas and cinemas (to name but a few!), it was the slide I came to see. I was passed on to three different staff members who all said different things about the matter. Why in the hell would you have a slide that passengers can't go on!? I was fuming. I arrived at the airport super-early just to experience everything and I was already disappointed.

I decided to wander around and explore. I can still have a good time. I visited the sunflower and butterfly gardens which were pretty but downtrodden by the rain. It's been the main pitfall of my stay in Singapore. Great place, rubbish weather. Typical.

The airport has everything you could possibly think of. It's unbelievable. Three levels of awesomeness all easily accessible by the free shuttles within the airport. They even have a Tiffany's! My heart sank a little as I have nobody with me to buy me something encased in a green box tied with white ribbon. All by myseeeeelf. Bridget Jones' moment over and done with. Moving on, I found a calf and foot massage station. There was already a guy sat on one of the machines but I was tired of walking around. I needed a miniature pamper. It felt good. Really good. My new friend Pedro and I chatted away whilst passengers-to-be passed us by. We did draw a few stares but I was having fun and was completely relaxed.

I couldn't believe that I only had an hour left until my flight departed. I'd hardly done anything. I just messed around a bit. Changi Airport was my playground and I loved it. I cheekily tried to get into the Emirates departure lounge. First Class only is a joke. Defeated, I sat with the masses and waited for my flight to be called. Everyone stood/sat in silence. I think we were all worn out from the delights of Changi Airport.

As I checked in ridiculously early and the flight was only half full, the counter assistant informed me that I'd have a row to myself. Bliss. What I didn't realise is that the family in front would use the empty seats for their children to sleep. I had no qualms in snatching my cookies from under the weary child's head. Encroaching on people's space should be outlawed I tell you! All-in-all, Emirates wasn't as "amazing" as everyone makes out. Qatar still wins it for me. They had a better film selection, nicer staff, free flowing drinks and more meals despite the 19 hour flight duration. My Emirates flight was shorter and overnight but I think the staff went off to sleep as there was nobody around to ask for drinks. I was only offered a drink with meals and the film selection was poor. I did like the twinkling lights on the ceiling which resembled stars. That was a sweet touch. I am saying this purely for comparison. I'm not complaining. As long as I can be kept occupied, I'm happy.

I was a little weary from lack of sleep but not completely exhausted. As the plane started to descend I suddenly felt a bit nauseous. I've never been ill on a flight before so I wasn't sure what the cause was. I then began to feel immense pain in my head, ears, throat and neck. It took my breath away. Half an hour later, the pain showed no signs of subsiding. I was bent forward and cradling my head, looking for any position which would help ease the pain but nothing worked. A kind flight attendant asked me if I was ok and I'm sure the only sound that came out of my mouth was a squeak. A squeak of despair that must have looked familiar as the flight attendant knew straight away what was wrong with me. My sinuses were blocked from the air con in my dorm room. I didn't think anything of it but the flight attendant explained that workers aren't allowed to fly when they have colds because of this. She handed me a nasal spray and said it would help. It didn't, but the gesture was nice.

The plane finally landed. I tried to stand but my balance was all over the place. I was acting like a drunk and looked like a zombie. Not the greatest of first impressions to have in Australia. I waited until most of the passengers had filtered off of the plane before I moved. I started to feel a little better but my hearing wasn't 100% and my whole head was throbbing. I wanted a bed to collapse in but this wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Welcome to Australia!

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