I was invited to a house party in an apartment block overlooking the Harbour Bridge. Perfect. There was just one snag in that glorious plan of mine. I was bloody working. I had the evening shift on New Year’s Eve and then the early morning shift on New Year’s Day. Arse.
It was an inevitability seen as I was the only temp there. My sole purpose is to work shifts nobody else wants! Yes, I could have pulled a sickie but it would have meant I’d have no job to go back to. I’ve not exactly had the best of luck when it comes to finding a job so the thought of going back to having no income again wasn’t a pleasant thought. Plus, I’m not that kind of person. I’ve never pulled a sickie in my life and I didn’t plan on starting then.
I was gutted that I didn’t get to see the main fireworks but all was not lost. My roommate was also working the evening shift which, as we work next door to each other, meant that we could salvage a night out together ourselves. Poor Steff didn’t really have a choice in the matter. He wasn’t working but obviously he wouldn’t do anything without Mel.
I arrived at work with a smile on my face as usual. I never really do anything for New Year’s Day anyway. It was just another day to me. I kept repeating this to myself until the annoyance of not being able to experience any of the awesomeness listed above subsided.
Dee Why Beach was hosting their own little party and had fireworks too. I wasn’t sure whether I’d even get to see them as it all depended on whether the boss would let me stand in one place without doing anything. This is something I was rarely able to do at that point. It’s only recently that the boss has eased the torture. I only get scolded every now and then, but so does everybody else so I don’t exactly lose sleep over it. Nevertheless, it is still the one cardinal rule of waitressing – always look busy. Standing around doing nothing or chatting to other people looks bad. I’m not sure why. That thought has never crossed my mind in a restaurant. Obviously I’m more interested in my food than whether the waiting staff are cleaning menus or rearranging cutlery.
I didn’t have time to contemplate this further as the place was buzzing with customers. We were fully booked and everyone was demanding attention. Another waitress and I managed to keep everyone happy and the fireworks did the rest. People abandoned their food and flocked to the front of the restaurant. I inched forward a little…then a little more…just a little bit more. There just happened to be empty plates on the outside tables that needed clearing. I needn’t have bothered looking for an excuse. As the entire restaurant was watching the fireworks, nobody was bothered about their wine being topped up.
The fireworks were alright, nothing special. I’ve definitely seen better but it provided a nice distraction from work and meant that most customers were happy. I say most as a couple of old witches felt the need to complain at the end. At first I thought it was a general complaint and instantly thought, “Shit, what did I do?” Instead, they went on to say how they weren’t happy with where they were seated. Most people are elated when they are seated in a booth but not this group. They went on about how they are local so they should have priority seating and wanted to be closer to the fireworks. I have no idea why that would make a difference seen as everyone in the restaurant got up and walked outside to see the fireworks and had no problems in doing so. My boss handled it very well. I wanted to put that woman in her place, simply for making a stupid complaint after we all worked so hard. It’s flipping New Year’s, have a heart lady!
We were packed up and ready to leave at 10pm which was a miracle in itself. You always get hangers on but I guess everyone had other parties to go to and left in good time. I grabbed my things and went next door to find my roommates. They were already dressed up and looked lovely. I nipped to the ladies and got changed. My wardrobe was still limited at this point so I wore the same dress that I had on for Christmas Day. I didn’t stand out too much as nobody went overboard on their outfits.
I hung out with my roommates until the restaurant closed. It felt like we were having a lock-in as all the staff went from formal and stiff waiters/waitresses to party-people. So much so, that people on the street naturally assumed we were still open and kept trying to come in. Some were friendlier about their rebuttal than others.
We had champagne and wine on the house. There was even pizza. I got to meet a lot of my roommate’s work colleagues and everyone was really friendly and chatty. Management mingled with staff and everything was very laid back. Time flew by and before we knew it, everyone was counting down to midnight. The big screen TV was switched on to a channel showing live coverage of the Harbour Bridge celebrations. We got to see the fireworks after all.
The clock struck midnight and I became embroiled in an orgy of hugs, kisses and elated cries of “Happy New Year!”. Nobody knew who I was and nobody cared. I even got a hug from one of the restaurant owners. There was a lot of love in the room.
So...it’s New Year’s Day, what do we do now? We wandered the streets for inspiration and one guy suggested going to the beach. Not too original seen as we work across from the thing. Instead of resting on the sand, we sat by the sea-water pool. The guy who was behind the idea stripped naked and went for a swim, like you do! The water must have been ice cold!
By this point I was drunk. I was unbelievably drunk. I’d not had anything to eat since lunchtime and I never get staff meals when I work an evening shift so all that was lining my stomach was a few slices of Italian-style pizza. I got a little too carried away with the free wine and my body wasn’t used to it. I’d not had this much to drink since my leaving parties!
Oh dear. To paint a clearer picture for you, I ask you to click on the following link - HIMYM. Oh no, it’s not a drunken video of me. It’s a joke on how different types of alcohol have different effects on people. The exact same thing could be said for me. If I’m on shots, I get cocky. If I’m on beer, I get giddy. If I’m on cocktails I also get giddy but too many of them and I get loud and I loooooove to dance. Wine…I should never drink wine. I usually drink it before a night out when I know everyone is going to be drunk. The above probably insinuates that I am a heavy drinker. I’m not. I’m a lightweight, therefore I tend to stay away from the stuff for everyone else's safety as well as my own.
So wine basically knocks me out. I'm all of the above amped up to 11...Eeek! this story doesn't get any better I'm afraid! As well as loud and dancey and mouthy...I also get my flirt on. I've never been confident with guys and, although I've found it easy making a heck of a lot of good male friends, I'm useless when it comes to putting the moves on someone. Just saying, "putting the moves on someone" makes me laugh. Cheese. Get a few wines down me and I'm sitting on their lap feeding them ice cream (true story, but not this night), joking that they're too weak to be able to life me up and so on and so forth. Not good.
Do you remember the guy that stripped naked and swam in the sea-water pool? He was the only guy that I really knew at the party so I mainly spoke to him. We indulged in a bit of mindless flirty banter but nothing crude or too naughty. I mean, I barely know the guy! The thing is, I was off my rocker on wine and my head was spinning…
My version of events: I was enjoying a bit of harmless banter with my roommate’s work friend. I didn’t see anything wrong in that. Everyone seemed to be whispering about me and my roommate told me that people think that something’s going on. Ridiculous, I’m just talking to the guy. I don’t know anyone else. Plus, he has a GIRLFRIEND. I’m not THAT kind of girl. I hit boiling point when my roommate told me to stop being so loud and that everyone thinks that me and this guy are hooking up. I walked off. I wanted to go home to bed where it was safe and sleep this night off. I knew I’d had too much to drink and I hated the fact that I was making a complete arse of myself in front of strangers. My roommates came looking for me and we went to get the bus back to the hostel with this guy in tow. Why is he coming with us? I didn’t think much more of it until he followed us back to our room. Why is he still here? I just wanted to sleep so got into bed. The guy joined me but in my wine-haze I lay defeated and thought, I just want to sleep. We ended up kissing and he wanted more. I said back off and rolled over and fell asleep. I got up a couple of hours later for work and he was gone. Maybe it was a dream. I went to work and thought nothing more of it.
The version of events that my roommate told me the next day: I had too much wine to drink but everyone else was rather merry too so it didn’t really matter. My roommate tried to warn me that people think this guy and I are hooking up and I shrugged it off. My roommate tried to warn me again once my voice went from normal to shout mode but I ignored her and stormed off. Right before this happened, the guy said he had nowhere to stay that night and I said that he could crash at the hostel as people do that all the time. I basically announced to everyone that this guy was coming back to the hostel with me. Oh dear, oh dear. He thought he was getting lucky but I just wanted to go to sleep. He tried it on with me but failed. As we all went to sleep, the guy got up and went to the toilet, locking him out in the process. He couldn’t remember which room we were in so started banging on other people’s doors. Someone made the unfortunate choice of letting him in. He then proceeded to piss all over the room and got himself chucked out. Management were not happy and saw on the CCTV that he was with us. They too thought that I brought a random guy back to the hostel to get with. Shit.
Messy, messy night. I just got incredibly drunk and had no idea what was going on. This lead to a guy thinking he got lucky despite having a girlfriend and us nearly getting kicked out of the hostel. A grovelling apology from me and a $300-or-so fee in damages paid by the guy later, and I was ready to forget the whole thing. I can’t even say. “What was I thinking?” because I clearly wasn’t. I knew this guy had a girlfriend and that nothing would ever happen. I was just bantering like I do with most guys. I didn’t say anything outrageous. We were just generally chatting for the most part. Obviously my declaration that he could stay at the hostel set off the chimes in his head that he was about to get some but I probably thought he’d just crash on the balcony. I say probably as I literally don’t even remember saying it!
I did feel terrible for a couple of weeks about what happened but I eventually stopped kicking myself. If I’d done the same thing and was sober, then yes, I’m a boyfriend-stealer. But I was as high as a kite and I certainly don’t have any feelings for this guy. We all make mistakes and I’m sure there are plenty of people who can recall a time where they kissed the wrong person. It happens.
I can promise you this though, that is definitely the last of the guy stories in Australia. Thank heavens for that!